Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 19-38".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
98-770 David Ruelle
Smooth dynamics and new theoretical ideas in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. (301K, plain tex) Dec 23, 98
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

99-73 B V Chirikov and F Vivaldi
An algorithmic view of pseudochaos (58K, LATeX 2e) Mar 8, 99
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99-165 Christian Maes, Frank Redig, Senya Shlosman,, Annelies Van Moffaert
Percolation, Path Large Deviations and Weak Gibbsianity (293K, Postscript) May 11, 99
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

99-431 Pavel Exner, Vladimir A. Geyler
Berry phase in magnetic systems with point perturbations (61K, LaTeX 2e) Nov 13, 99
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00-21 Juerg Froehlich, Tai-Peng Tsai, Horng-Tzer Yau
On a Classical Limit of Quantum Theory and the Non-Linear Hartree Equation (1757K, PostScript) Jan 15, 00
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00-102 Pietro Caputo and Jean-Dominique Deuschel
Critical large deviations in harmonic crystals with long range interactions (388K, gzipped postscript file) Mar 7, 00
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00-172 Jens Bolte and Rainer Glaser
Quantum ergodicity for Pauli Hamiltonians with spin 1/2 (62K, LaTeX2e) Apr 7, 00
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00-219 Alan D. Sokal
A personal list of unsolved problems concerning Potts models and lattice gases (62K, LaTex2e) May 10, 00
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01-99 Vladimir GEORGESCU, Andrei IFTIMOVICI
C*-Algebras of Energy Observables: II. Graded Symplectic Algebras and Magnetic Hamiltonians (484K, Postscript) Mar 12, 01
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01-320 Anton Bovier, Milos Zahradnik
Cluster Expansions and Pirogov Sinai Theory for Long Range Spin Systems (420K, postscript file) Sep 5, 01
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02-6 J. C. A. Barata, D. A. Cortez
Perturbative Analysis of Dynamical Localisation (630K, Postscript) Jan 3, 02
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02-329 Vieri Mastropietro
Non-universality in Ising models with four spin interaction. (130K, TeX) Jul 27, 02
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02-452 Horia Cornean, Ira Herbst, Erik Skibsted
Spiral attractors and quantum dynamics for a class of long-range magnetic fields (1010K, Postscript) Nov 11, 02
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02-519 Christof Kuelske
Regularity properties of potentials for joint measures of random spin systems (207K, postscript) Dec 15, 02
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03-115 Fernando Lledo'
Massless relativistic wave equations and quantum field theory (205K, Latex2e) Mar 14, 03
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03-156 Mustapha Mourragui, Enza Orlandi, Ellen Saada
Macroscopic evolution of particle systems with random field Kac interactions (355K, Postscript) Apr 4, 03
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03-445 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes and Zohar Nussinov
Orbital ordering in transition-metal compounds: I. The 120-degree model (309K, PDF) Sep 30, 03
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04-42 Jens Bolte and Rainer Glaser
Zitterbewegung and semiclassical observables for the Dirac equation (109K, LaTeX 2e) Feb 20, 04
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04-323 A. Ruzmaikina and M. Aizenman
Characterization of invariant measures at the leading edge for competing particle systems (87K, LaTex) Oct 12, 04
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05-39 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes, Nicholas Crawford
Mean-field driven first-order phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions (212K, ZIP) Jan 30, 05
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05-126 Asao Arai
Generalized Weak Weyl Relation and Decay of Quantum Dynamics (93K, LaTex209) Apr 8, 05
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05-152 Friedli S., de Lima B.N.B.
On the Truncation of Systems with Non-Summable Interactions (302K, postscript) Apr 28, 05
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05-346 G. L. Sewell
Quantum Macrostatistical Theory of Nonequilibrium Steady States (136K, TeX) Sep 30, 05
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06-207 Spyridon Kamvissis and Gerald Teschl
Stability of Periodic Soliton Equations under Short Range Perturbations (282K, LaTeX2e with 2 EPS figures) Jul 24, 06
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06-240 V. Jaksic, Y. Ogata, C.-A. Pillet
The Green-Kubo formula for the spin-fermion system (367K, pdf) Aug 31, 06
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06-323 J. Fr hlich, A. Knowles, A. Pizzo
Atomism and Quantization (386K, Postscript) Nov 9, 06
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06-328 D. Robert, A.V. Smilga
Supersymmetry vs ghosts (383K, PDF) Nov 13, 06
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07-37 L. Tenuta, S. Teufel
Effective dynamics for particles coupled to a quantized scalar field (188K, LaTex 2e with 2 eps figures) Feb 19, 07
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