Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 95-535".
Page 2. Papers 33 - 64 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
97-105 Stephen G. Low
Canonically Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Representations of the Unitary Semidirect Heisenberg Group, U(1,3) *s H(1,3) (89K, uuencoded, gzipped Postscript) Mar 4, 97
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98-23 F. Bagarello and G. L. Sewell
New structures in the theory of the laser model: microscopic dynamics and a non-equilibrium entropy principle (58K, TeX) Jan 19, 98
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98-93 Georgii H.-O., Zagrebnov V.A.
On the interplay of magnetic and molecular forces in Curie--Weiss ferrofluid models (544K, Postscript) Feb 26, 98
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98-198 Spohn, H.
Dyson's Model of Interacting Brownian Motions at Arbitrary Coupling Strength (30K, LaTex) Mar 15, 98
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98-402 Detlev Buchholz, Olaf Dreyer, Martin Florig, Stephen J. Summers
Geometric Modular Action and Spacetime Symmetry Groups (284K, AmsTex) May 29, 98
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98-498 S.Cavallaro, G.Morchio. F.Strocchi
A Generalization of the Stone-von Neumann Theorem to Non-Regular Representations of the CCR-Algebra (43K, TeX) Jul 9, 98
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Kinetical theory beyond conventional approximations and 1/f-noise (123K, LaTex) Feb 28, 99
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99-411 Kuelske C.
Weakly Gibbsian representations for joint measures of quenched lattice spin models (294K, PS) Oct 29, 99
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00-439 Ola Bratteli, Palle E.T. Jorgensen
Wavelet filters and infinite-dimensional unitary groups (118K, LaTeX2e amsproc class, 30 pages) Nov 8, 00
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01-168 Laszlo Erdos, Vitali Vougalter
Pauli operator and Aharonov Casher theorem for measure valued magnetic fields (76K, Latex) May 5, 01
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01-246 P. B\'alint, N. Chernov, D. Sz\'asz, P. T\'oth
Multi-dimensional Semi-dispersing Billiards: Singularities and the Fundamental Theorem (747K, Postscript) Jul 6, 01
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01-394 Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Mueller, Simone Warzel
Existence and uniqueness of the integrated density of states for Schroedinger operators with magnetic fields and unbounded random potentials (331K, PS) Oct 23, 01
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02-191 Fritz Gesztesy and Konstantin A. Makarov
$\mathbf {SL_2(\bbR)}$, Exponential Herglotz Representations, and Spectral Averaging (92K, LaTeX) Apr 22, 02
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03-33 Sergej A. Choroszavin ( )
An Interaction of An Oscillator with An One-Dimensional Scalar Field. Simple Exactly Solvable Models based on Finite Rank Perturbations Methods. I: D'Alembert-Kirchhoff-like formulae (88K, LaTeX 2.09) Jan 29, 03
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06-219 Margaret Beck, C. Eugene Wayne
Invariant Manifolds and the Stability of Traveling Waves in Scalar Viscous Conservation Laws (327K, PDF) Aug 8, 06
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06-232 V.Grinshpun
Pure Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Random Operators on l^2(Z^d) at Low Disorder (2054K, PDF) Aug 26, 06
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06-343 Enza Orlandi and Pierre Picco
One-dimensional random field Kac's model: weak large deviations principle (687K, PDF) Nov 23, 06
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09-93 Z. Ammari; S. Breteaux
Propagation of chaos for many-boson systems in one dimension with a point pair-interaction (360K, pdf) Jun 16, 09
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10-135 Gerard P. Barbanson
Reflection Groups and Composite Mappings in class C^r (53K, AMS-LaTeX) Aug 31, 10
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13-72 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Notoph-Graviton-Photon Coupling (59K, LaTeX) Aug 21, 13
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16-17 Alberto Strumia
Fundamental fields as eigenvectors of the metric tensor in a 16-dimensional space-time (82K, LATeX 2e) Feb 2, 16
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16-91 D. R. Yafaev
Passage through a potential barrier and multiple wells (464K, .pdf) Nov 16, 16
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17-86 Diana Barseghyan and Pavel Exner
A magnetic version of the Smilansky-Solomyak model (555K, pdf) Aug 24, 17
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19-44 Fenfen Wang, Rafael de la Llave
Response solutions to quasi-periodically forced systems, even to possibly ill-posed PDEs, with strongly dissipation and any frequency vectors (820K, PDF) Jun 28, 19
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20-104 Walter H. Aschbacher
Heat flux in general quasifree fermionic right mover/left mover systems (697K, Pdf) Dec 21, 20
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91-61 Benfatto G., J.Renn
Nontrivial fixed points and screening in the hierarchical two-dimensional Coulomb gas (47K, LaTeX) Nov 18, 91
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92-52 Jorgensen P.E.T., Schmitt L.M., Werner R.F.
q--Canonical Commutation Relations and Stability of the Cuntz Algebra (56K, TeX) May 6, 92
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92-77 Pestov , V.G.
On enlargability of infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebras (56K, AmS TeX 2.1) Jun 19, 92
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93-132 Cicogna G., Gaeta G.
Poincare' normal forms and Lie point symmetries (38K, plain TeX) May 13, 93
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