Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 23-8".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
95-14 Jorba A., Ramirez-Ros R., Villanueva J.
Effective Reducibility of Quasiperiodic Linear Equations close to Constant Coefficients (40K, LaTeX) Jan 19, 95
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-143 Randall Pyke
Virial Relations for Nonlinear Wave Equations and Nonexistence of Almost-Periodic Solutions (137K, LaTeX) Apr 20, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-314 Mezincescu G.A., Bessis D., Fournier J.-D., Mantica G., Aaron F.D.
Distribution of roots of random real polynomials (1295K, uuencoded gz compressed tarfile (Revtex source + 8 postscript figures)) Jun 24, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-689 T. Kojima, V.E. Korepin and N.A. Slavnov
Completely Integrable Equation for the Quantum Correlation Function of Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Eqaution. (52K, LaTeX) Dec 30, 96
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97-112 Moshe Flato, Giuseppe Dito and Daniel Sternheimer
Nambu mechanics, $n$-ary operations and their quantization (72K, LaTeX) Mar 10, 97
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97-147 Chicone C., Latushkin Y.
On an Integral Equation for Center Manifolds: a Direct Proof for Nonautonomous Differential Equations on Banach Spaces (108K, AMS-LaTeX) Mar 25, 97
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97-250 C. Bonet, D. Sauzin, T.M. Seara, M. Valencia.
Adiabatic invariant of the Harmonic Oscillator, Complex Matching and Resurgence. (90K, LaTeX2e) Apr 30, 97
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97-273 Sergio Albeverio, Yuri Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky.
Nonlinear S-transform (74K, LaTeX) May 15, 97
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97-485 Arthur Jaffe
Quantum Harmonic Analysis and Geometric Invariants (206K, Latex) Sep 12, 97
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97-522 Gallay Th., Raugel, G.
Scaling variables and asymptotic expansions in damped wave equations (57K, (uuencoded gzipped) Plain TeX) Sep 25, 97
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97-538 S. A. Fulling
Some Properties of Riesz Means and Spectral Expansions (104K, REVTeX) Oct 7, 97
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98-31 Sergio Albeverio, Yuri Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky.
% Suppression of Critical Fluctuations by strong Quantum Effects in Quantum Lattice Systems % (59K, LaTeX) Jan 24, 98
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98-41 Teufel S., Duerr D., Muench-Berndl K.
The Flux-Across-Surfaces Theorem for Short Range Potentials and Wave Functions without Energy Cutoffs (82K, LATeX 2e) Jan 30, 98
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98-308 J. L.Lebowitz, A. Rokhlenko
Hydrodynamical Equation for Electron Swarms (23K, TeX) Apr 27, 98
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98-501 Soffer, A., Weinstein, M.I.
Resonances, Radiation Damping and Instability in Hamiltonian Nonlinear Wave Equations (543K, LATeX 2e) Jul 12, 98
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98-614 Korff C., Lang G., Schrader R.
Two-particle scattering for anyons (520K, postscript, compressed and uuencoded) Sep 22, 98
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98-732 Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave
KAM theory and a partial justification of Greene's criterion for non-twist maps (133K, Plain TeX) Nov 26, 98
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99-8 Erdos L., Yau H.-T.
Linear Boltzmann Equation as the Weak Coupling Limits of a Random Schrodinger Equation (1114K, .ps file) Jan 7, 99
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99-58 Mary Beth Ruskai, Elisabeth Werner
Study of a Class of Regularizations \\ of $1/|x|$ using Gaussian Integrals (88K, latex2e) Feb 21, 99
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99-80 Romeo Brunetti, Klaus Fredenhagen
Microlocal Analysis and Interacting Quantum Field Theories: Renormalization on Physical Backgrounds (660K, postscript) Mar 18, 99
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99-83 J. C. A. Barata
Converging Perturbative Solutions of the Schroedinger Equation for a Two-Level System with a Hamiltonian Depending Periodically on Time (357K, Postscript) Mar 22, 99
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99-105 Alex Haro
The Primitive Function of an Exact Symplectomorphism. Variational principles, converse KAM theory and the problems of determination and interpolation. (20554K, gzipped ps) Apr 12, 99
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99-264 Jan Naudts
C*-multipliers, crossed product algebras, and canonical commutation relations. (49K, latex) Jul 12, 99
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00-45 Francois Germinet
Dynamical Localization II with an Application to the Almost Mathieu Operator - Published version (345K, .PS) Jan 27, 00
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00-61 O. Costin (, J. L. Lebowitz, (, A. Rokhlenko, (
On the complete ionization of a periodically perturbed quantum system (46K, latex with 1 figure in a ps file) Feb 4, 00
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00-70 Michael Christ, Alexander Kiselev
Maximal functions associated to filtrations (41K, LaTeX) Feb 10, 00
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00-225 Anastasia Ruzmaikina
Stieljes integrals of H\"older continuous functions with applications to fractional Brownian motion (602K, Postscript) May 15, 00
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00-268 J. E. Avron and A. Gordon
The Born Oppenheimer wave function near level crossing (212K, LaTeX) Jun 19, 00
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00-276 Dimitri YAFAEV, Yannick GATEL.
Scattering theory for the Dirac operator with a long-range electromagnetic potential. (624K, Postscript) Jun 20, 00
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00-299 S. A. Denisov
On the application of one M.G.Krein's result to the spectral analysis of Sturm-Liouville operators. (35K, LaTeX) Jul 21, 00
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00-306 Dario Bambusi, Simone Paleari
Families of periodic solutions of resonant PDE's (232K, Postscript) Jul 28, 00
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