Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 22-8".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
95-522 Pavel Exner
Weakly coupled states on branching graphs (21K, LaTeX) Dec 11, 95
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95-527 P. Exner, P. {\v S}eba, M. Tater, D. Van{\v e}k
Bound states and scattering in quantum waveguides coupled laterally through a boundary window (579K, LaTeX, ps figures) Dec 13, 95
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-151 Iftimovici A.
Hard-core scattering for $N\/$-body systems (177K, LaTeX 2.09) Apr 24, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-323 Daniel Bessis, Giorgio Mantica, G. Andrei Mezincescu, and Daniel Vrinceanu
Electron Wave Filters from Inverse Scattering Theory (56K, postscript file (4 pages)) Jul 2, 96
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96-373 F. Gesztesy and B. Simon
Inverse Spectral Analysis with Partial Information on the Potential, I. The Case of an A.C. Component in the Spectrum (20K, amstex) Aug 19, 96
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96-420 Fujiie S., Ramond T.
Scattering matrix and resonances associated with a heteroclinic orbit. (251K, Postscript, gzipped, uuencoded) Sep 12, 96
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96-486 Requardt M.
Emergence of Space-Time on the Planck Scale described as an Unfolding Phase Transition within the Scheme of Dynamical Cellular Networks and Random Graphs (96K, Latex) Oct 10, 96
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97-328 R. del Rio, F. Gesztesy, and B. Simon
Inverse spectral analysis with partial information on the potential, III. Updating boundary conditions (19K, amstex) Jun 15, 97
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97-405 Barbaroux J.M., Joye A.
Expectation Values of Observables in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics (58K, LATeX) Jul 16, 97
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97-551 R. Estrada and S. A. Fulling
Distributional Asymptotic Expansions of Spectral Functions and of the Associated Green Kernels (107K, REVTeX) Oct 21, 97
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97-573 H.D. Cornean, G. Nenciu
On eigenfunction decay for two dimensional magnetic Schr\"{o}dinger operators (41K, LATeX 2e) Nov 15, 97
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98-213 Vu Ngoc, S.
Quantum monodromy in integrable systems (267K, postscript) Mar 20, 98
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98-327 Abderemane MORAME
Absence of singular spectrum for a perturbation of a two-dimensional Laplace-Beltrami operator with periodic electro-magnetic potential (40K, LATeX 2e) May 5, 98
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98-490 Lahmar-Benbernou A., Martinez A.
Semiclassical Asymptotics of the Residues of the Scattering Matrix for Shape Resonances (83K, LATeX 2e) Jul 6, 98
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98-501 Soffer, A., Weinstein, M.I.
Resonances, Radiation Damping and Instability in Hamiltonian Nonlinear Wave Equations (543K, LATeX 2e) Jul 12, 98
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98-502 Soffer, A., Weinstein, M.I.
Nonautonomous Hamiltonians (325K, LATeX 2e) Jul 12, 98
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98-614 Korff C., Lang G., Schrader R.
Two-particle scattering for anyons (520K, postscript, compressed and uuencoded) Sep 22, 98
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98-616 D. Damanik
Singular continuous spectrum for a class of substitution Hamiltonians (26K, LaTeX) Sep 23, 98
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99-39 Alexander Fedotov and Frederic Klopp
A complex WKB method for adiabatic problems (345K, Gzipped Postscript) Feb 1, 99
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99-83 J. C. A. Barata
Converging Perturbative Solutions of the Schroedinger Equation for a Two-Level System with a Hamiltonian Depending Periodically on Time (357K, Postscript) Mar 22, 99
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99-127 Daniel Bessis, G. Andrei Mezincescu
Design of semiconductor heterostructures with preset electron reflectance by inverse scattering techniques (141K, Latex2.9 with one PS figure) Apr 23, 99
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99-376 Pierre Duclos, Pavel Exner, and David Krejcirik
Locally curved quantum layers (40K, LaTeX 2e) Oct 8, 99
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99-388 F. Gesztesy and B. Simon
On Local Borg-Marchenko Uniqueness Results (49K, LaTeX) Oct 18, 99
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99-412 F. G\"ohmann, V.E. Korepin
Solution of the quantum inverse problem (89K, AMS-Latex) Oct 30, 99
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99-472 David Damanik
Gordon-type arguments in the spectral theory of one-dimensional quasicrystals (288K, postscript) Dec 7, 99
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00-61 O. Costin (, J. L. Lebowitz, (, A. Rokhlenko, (
On the complete ionization of a periodically perturbed quantum system (46K, latex with 1 figure in a ps file) Feb 4, 00
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00-388 Peter Kuchment and Sergei Levendorski\^{i}
On the structure of spectra of periodic elliptic operators (107K, LATEX2e) Oct 2, 00
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01-35 Martinez A., Nakamura S. , Sordoni V.
Phase Space Tunneling in Multispace Scattering (50K, LATeX) Jan 25, 01
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01-37 Martinez A., Sordoni V.
On the Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation with Smooth Potential (23K, LATeX) Jan 25, 01
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