Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 21-1".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
07-202 Peterson, L.E., Coleman, M.A.
Principal Direction Linear Oracle for Gene Expression Ensemble Classification (270K, pdf) Aug 31, 07
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07-277 Thomas Chen, Itaru Sasaki
Boltzmann limit and quasifreeness for a homogenous Fermi gas in a weakly disordered random medium (402K, AMS Latex, 26 pages, 2 figures.) Nov 15, 07
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

08-159 Marcel Griesemer, Heribert Zenk
Asymptotic Electromagnetic Fields in Non-relativistic QED: the Problem of Existence Revisited (239K, pdf) Sep 9, 08
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

08-189 Renato Calleja, Rafael de la Llave
Fast numerical computation of quasi-periodic equilibrium states in 1-D statistical mechanics, including twist maps (1781K, postscript) Oct 17, 08
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08-199 Ulrich Mutze
Quantum Image Dynamics - an entertainment application of separated quantum dynamics (3592K, pdf) Oct 24, 08
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10-95 F. Pezzotti
Mean-field Limit and Semiclassical Approximation for Quantum Particle Systems (326K, LATeX 2e) Jun 17, 10
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10-116 Valerio Lucarini, Stefania Sarno
A Statistical Mechanical Approach for the Computation of the Climatic Response to General Forcings (803K, pdf) Aug 9, 10
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10-183 H. Najar ; O. Olendski
Spectral and localization properties of the Dirichlet wave guide with two concentric Neumann discs (23473K, .ps , .pdf) Nov 13, 10
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12-42 J.-B. Bru and W. de Siqueira Pedra
Microscopic Foundations of the Meissner Effect -- Thermodynamic Aspects (404K, pdf) Apr 27, 12
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12-84 J. H. Klauder
Enhanced Quantization: A Primer (34K, LaTex) Aug 6, 12
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12-118 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov (Universidad de Zacatecas)
How to construct self/anti-self charge conjugate states for higher spins? (164K, PDF) Oct 7, 12
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12-133 Syed Afsar Abbas
Electric charge in the Standard Model of particle physics (25K, latex) Nov 2, 12
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13-30 Christian Corda
Time dependent Schroedinger equation for black holes: No information loss (42K, Latex) Apr 4, 13
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13-72 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Notoph-Graviton-Photon Coupling (59K, LaTeX) Aug 21, 13
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13-86 Riccardo Adami, Maxime Hauray, Claudia Negulescu
Decoherence for a heavy particle interacting with a light one: new analysis and numerics (860K, pdf file) Oct 26, 13
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14-77 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Translational and Rotational Properties of Tensor Fields in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (281K, PDF) Dec 3, 14
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16-21 Thomas E. Butler
Derivation of Lorentz transformation from principles of statistical information theory (656K, PDF) Feb 28, 16
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18-120 Damon Wai Kwan So
Non-deterministic Quantum Mechanics and Particle Spin (5087K, pdf) Dec 24, 18
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20-48 Pavel Exner
Spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides (469K, pdf) Jun 26, 20
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20-52 Dharam Vir Ahluwalia
A new class of mass dimension one fermions (332K, pdf) Jul 10, 20
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21-39 Damon Wai Kwan So
Surfing Momentum, Mass, Energy and Dark Matter (1827K, pdf) Jul 17, 21
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21-53 Damon Wai Kwan So
A Theory of Mass and Energy with Reference to Surfing Momentum (2075K, pdf) Oct 16, 21
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22-48 Christian Corda
Black hole spectra from Vaz's quantum gravitational collapse (287K, PDF) Sep 11, 22
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23-42 Walter H. Aschbacher
On the asymptotic scaling of the von Neumann entropy in quasifree fermionic right mover/left mover systems (640K, Pdf) Jul 7, 23
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92-90 Bolte Jens
Periodic Orbits in Arithmetical Chaos (56K, LaTeX) Jul 17, 92
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93-198 Iengo R., Li D.
Quantum mechanics and quantum Hall effect on Riemann surfaces (58K, LaTeX) Jul 9, 93
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93-292 Tohru Koma, Hal Tasaki
Obscured Symmetry Breaking and Low-Lying Excited States (130K, LaTeX) Nov 11, 93
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94-62 Degli Esposti M., Graffi S., Isola S.
Classical Limit of the Quantized Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms (100K, AmS-TeX) Mar 10, 94
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94-95 Ramanathan J., Steger T.
Incompleteness of Sparse Coherent States (25K, LaTeX) Apr 18, 94
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94-240 P. Tuyls, M. Van Canneyt, A. Verbeure
Anomalous Angular Momentum Fluctuations for an Ideal Bose Gas in a Rotating Bucket. (17K, LaTeX) Jul 20, 94
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95-198 Requardt M.
Discrete Mathematics and Physics on the Planck-Scale (52K, Latex) Apr 20, 95
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95-259 Denes PETZ, Csaba SUDAR
Geometries of Quantum States (42K, TeX) Jun 6, 95
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