Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 96-120".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
96-627 Armando G. M. Neves
Renormalization group around a sphere for interacting fermion systems in d>1 (109K, LaTeX plus 6 appended eps figures, see instructions in the file) Nov 25, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-679 Parreira J. R.
Phase Transitions in Hierarchical Models: The Role of Coupling Coefficients (14K, LaTeX) Dec 18, 96
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97-4 Rudnev M., Wiggins S.
Existence of exponentially small separatrix splitting and homoclinic connections between whiskered tori in weakly hyperbolic near-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Revised version. (305K, LaTeX) Jan 4, 97
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

97-139 Helffer B.
Splitting in large dimension and infrared estimates II - Moment inequalities. (64K, LATEX) Mar 20, 97
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97-302 Gianfelice M. , Isopi M.
Quantum Methods for Interactin Particle Systems II, Glauber Dynamics for Ising Spin Systems (221K, PostScript) May 27, 97
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98-4 Giovanni Gallavotti, Guido Gentile, Vieri Mastropietro
Hamilton-Jacobi equation, heteroclinic chains and Arnol'd diffusion in three time scales systems (70K, TeX) Jan 2, 98
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00-31 Joel Feldman, Manfred Salmhofer, Eugene Trubowitz
An inversion theorem in Fermi surface theory (432K, postscript) Jan 20, 00
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00-190 Rodrick Wallace
Information resonance and pattern recognition in classical and quantum systems: toward a 'language model' of hierarchical neural structure and process (100K, LaTex2e) Apr 19, 00
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01-252 Vojkan Jaksic, Claude-Alain Pillet
Non-equilibrium steady states of finite quantum systems coupled to thermal reservoirs (329K, postscript) Jul 9, 01
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01-320 Anton Bovier, Milos Zahradnik
Cluster Expansions and Pirogov Sinai Theory for Long Range Spin Systems (420K, postscript file) Sep 5, 01
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01-370 Timoteo Carletti
The Lagrange inversion formula on non--Archimedean fields. Non--Analytical Form of Differential and Finite Difference Equations. (105K, AMS-Latex 2e) Oct 12, 01
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02-9 Alice Rogers
Supersymmetry and Brownian motion on supermanifolds (117K, LaTeX 2e) Jan 4, 02
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02-61 T. Bodineau and F. Martinelli
Some New Results on the Kinetic Ising Model in a Pure Phase (325K, Postscript gzipped) Feb 8, 02
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02-120 Christian Ferrari, Nicolas Macris
Intermixture of extended edge and localized bulk energy levels in macroscopic Hall systems (333K, Postscript) Mar 13, 02
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02-329 Vieri Mastropietro
Non-universality in Ising models with four spin interaction. (130K, TeX) Jul 27, 02
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02-478 Guido Gentile
Quasi-periodic solutions for two-level systems (414K, postscript) Nov 22, 02
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03-180 Alexander Elgart and Benjamin Schlein
Adiabatic charge transport and the Kubo formula for Landau Type Hamiltonians (68K, LaTeX) Apr 18, 03
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03-282 Alex Clark and Lorenzo Sadun
When Shape Matters: Deformations of Tiling Spaces (170K, LaTeX with four embedded postscript figures) Jun 13, 03
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03-398 A. Soffer and M.I. Weinstein
Selection of the Ground State for Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations (950K, Zipped Postscript) Sep 1, 03
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03-475 Alexander N. Gorban, Iliya V. Karlin
Uniqueness of thermodynamic projector and kinetic basis of molecular individualism (845K, pdf) Oct 26, 03
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04-34 Dobrovolny B., Laanait L.
Temperature phase transitions associated with local minima of energy in continous unbounded spins (117K, LATeX) Feb 10, 04
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06-143 Vladimir Ryzhov
Symmetric Functional Model for Extensions of Hermitian Operators (519K, PDF) May 1, 06
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06-171 V.Grinshpun
Anderson Model and Absence of Pure Singular Spectrum (68K, LaTeX) Jun 1, 06
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06-240 V. Jaksic, Y. Ogata, C.-A. Pillet
The Green-Kubo formula for the spin-fermion system (367K, pdf) Aug 31, 06
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08-197 Ulrich Mutze
An asynchronous leap-frog method (336K, pdf) Oct 24, 08
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09-164 G. Benfatto, P. Falco, V. Matropietro
Universal Relations for Non Solvable Statistical Models (32K, latex) Sep 14, 09
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12-76 L. Bruneau, V. Jaksic, C.-A. Pillet
Landauer-Buettiker formula and Schroedinger conjecture (291K, pdf) Jul 16, 12
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14-55 Alexander N. Gorban
General H-theorem and Entropies that Violate the Second Law (4556K, pdf) Jul 12, 14
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14-67 J.-B. Bru, A. Delgado de Pasquale and W. de Siqueira Pedra
d Wave Pairing Driven by Bipolaric Modes Related to Giant Electron Phonon Anomalies in High Tc Superconductors (487K, pdf) Sep 15, 14
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

14-74 P. Butera, P. Federbush, M. Pernici
Positivity of the virial coefficients in lattice dimer models (34K, LaTeX) Nov 2, 14
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