Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 00-507".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
02-355 Dunlop F.
Stationary States and Scaling Shapes of One-Dimensional Interfaces (346K, PostScript) Aug 21, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-426 Luis Barreira
Hyperbolicity and recurrence in dynamical systems: a survey of recent results (466K, pdf) Oct 17, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

02-454 Ilse Callens, Wojciech De Roeck, Tim Jacobs, Christian Maes, Karel Netocny
Quantum entropy production as a measure of irreversibility (367K, Postscript, PDF) Nov 13, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

03-138 Anna Litvak-Hinenzon and Vered Rom-Kedar
On energy surfaces and the resonance web (10207K, pdf) Mar 27, 03
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

03-349 Christian Gerard & Christian Jaekel
Thermal Quantum Fields with Spatially Cut-off Interactions in 1+1 Space-time Dimensions (166K, Latex) Jul 25, 03
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04-11 Hans-Otto Georgii, Roderich Tumulka
Global Existence of Bell's Time-Inhomogeneous Jump Process for Lattice Quantum Field Theory (50K, LaTeX) Jan 20, 04
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04-42 Jens Bolte and Rainer Glaser
Zitterbewegung and semiclassical observables for the Dirac equation (109K, LaTeX 2e) Feb 20, 04
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04-53 Jean-Marie BARBAROUX, Maria J. ESTEBAN, Eric SERE
Some connections between Dirac-Fock and Electron-Positron Hartree-Fock (400K, Postscript) Feb 29, 04
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04-211 David Damanik and Serguei Tcheremchantsev
Scaling Estimates for Solutions and Dynamical Lower Bounds on Wavepacket Spreading (63K, LaTeX) Jul 12, 04
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04-259 A.N. Gorban
Systems with inheritance: dynamics of distributions with conservation of support, natural selection and finite-dimensional asymptotics (318K, PDF) Aug 25, 04
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04-362 Rafael Ram rez-Ros
Exponentially small separatrix splittings and almost invisible homoclinic bifurcations in some billiard tables (1089K, Postscript) Nov 5, 04
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05-187 G. L. Sewell
On the Mathematical Structure of Quantum Measurement Theory (58K, TeX) May 26, 05
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05-196 Jani Lukkarinen, Herbert Spohn
Kinetic Limit for Wave Propagation in a Random Medium (388K, LaTeX 2e with 3 EPS figures) May 31, 05
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05-211 Riccardo Adami, Francois Golse, Alessandro Teta.
Rigorous derivation of the cubic NLS in dimension one (43K, LATeX 2e) Jun 14, 05
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05-326 Monique Combescure; Didier Robert
A phase-space study of the quantum Loschmidt Echo in the semiclassical limit (246K, pdf) Sep 19, 05
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06-15 Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden, and Gerald Teschl
The Algebro-Geometric Toda Hierarchy Initial Value Problem for Complex-Valued Initial Data (163K, LaTeX) Jan 18, 06
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06-62 Jean-Francois Burnol
Spacetime causality in the study of the Hankel tranform (67K, latex) Mar 13, 06
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06-171 V.Grinshpun
Anderson Model and Absence of Pure Singular Spectrum (68K, LaTeX) Jun 1, 06
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06-207 Spyridon Kamvissis and Gerald Teschl
Stability of Periodic Soliton Equations under Short Range Perturbations (282K, LaTeX2e with 2 EPS figures) Jul 24, 06
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07-37 L. Tenuta, S. Teufel
Effective dynamics for particles coupled to a quantized scalar field (188K, LaTex 2e with 2 eps figures) Feb 19, 07
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07-232 Valerio Lucarini
Response Theory for Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Causality and Generalized Kramers-Kronig relations (274K, PDF) Oct 4, 07
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07-285 Igor Rodnianski, Benjamin Schlein
Quantum Fluctuations and Rate of Convergence towards Mean Field Dynamics (92K, latex) Nov 20, 07
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09-93 Z. Ammari; S. Breteaux
Propagation of chaos for many-boson systems in one dimension with a point pair-interaction (360K, pdf) Jun 16, 09
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09-102 Jakob Wachsmuth, Stefan Teufel
Effective Dynamics for Constrained Quantum Systems (695K, PDF) Jul 2, 09
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09-175 Alef Sterk, Renato Vitolo, Henk Broer, Carles Simo, and Henk Dijkstra
New nonlinear mechanisms of midlatitude atmospheric low-frequency variability (16480K, PDF) Sep 26, 09
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10-70 A.C.D. van Enter, R. Fern\'andez, Fr.den Hollander and F.Redig
A large-deviation view on dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions (78K, latex) May 2, 10
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10-116 Valerio Lucarini, Stefania Sarno
A Statistical Mechanical Approach for the Computation of the Climatic Response to General Forcings (803K, pdf) Aug 9, 10
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