- 04-259 A.N. Gorban
- Systems with inheritance:
dynamics of distributions with conservation of support, natural selection
and finite-dimensional asymptotics
(318K, PDF)
Aug 25, 04
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Abstract. If we find a representation of an infinite-dimensional dynamical
system as a nonlinear kinetic system with {\it conservation of
supports} of distributions, then (after some additional technical
steps) we can state that the asymptotics is finite-dimensional.
This conservation of support has a {\it quasi-biological
interpretation, inheritance} (if a gene was not presented
initially in a isolated population without mutations, then it
cannot appear at later time). These quasi-biological models can
describe various physical, chemical, and, of course, biological
systems. The finite-dimensional asymptotic demonstrates effects of
{\it ``natural" selection}. The estimations of asymptotic
dimension are presented. The support of an individual limit
distribution is almost always small. But the union of such
supports can be the whole space even for one solution. Possible
are such situations: a solution is a finite set of narrow peaks
getting in time more and more narrow, moving slower and slower. It
is possible that these peaks do not tend to fixed positions,
rather they continue moving, and the path covered tends to
infinity at $t \rightarrow \infty$. The {\it drift equations} for
peaks motion are obtained. Various types of stability are studied.
In example, models of cell division self-synchronization are
studied. The appropriate construction of notion of typicalness in
infinite-dimensional spaces is discussed, and the ``completely
thin" sets are introduced.
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