Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 03-108".
Page 1. Papers 1 - 32 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
03-108 Tepper L. Gill and W. W. Zachary
Analytic Representation of Relativistic Wave Equations II: The Square-Root Operator Case (320K, pdf) Mar 12, 03
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03-109 Tepper L. Gill and W. W. zachary
Analytic Representation of Relativistic Wave Equations I: The Dirac Case (210K, pdf) Mar 12, 03
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21-31 Damon Wai Kwan So
Non-deterministic Quantum Mechanics, the Two-Slit Experiment, Measurement, Wave-Particle Duality, Spin, Mass and Energy (5829K, pdf) Jun 12, 21
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

10-200 Tepper L. Gill and Woodford W. Zachary
Feynman Operator Calculus: The Constructive Theory (196K, laTeX) Dec 20, 10
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20-94 Damon Wai Kwan So
Nondeterministic Quantum Mechanics, the Two-Slit Experiment, Measurement, Wave- Particle Duality, Spin and Energy (4977K, pdf) Oct 30, 20
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06-318 Tepper L Gill and Woodford W. Zachary
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

15-20 Tepper L. Gill, Trey Morris and Stewart K. Kurtz
Foundations for proper-time relativistic quantum theory (472K, pdf) Mar 7, 15
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21-48 Aubrey Truman, Richard Durran, Andrew Neate
On Newtonian Quantum Gravity for Stationary States of WIMPs (1662K, PDF) Sep 3, 21
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22-3 Aubrey Truman, Richard Durran, Andrew Neate
On Newtonian Quantum Gravity for Stationary States of WIMPs and Celestial Mechanics (1695K, PDF) Jan 10, 22
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04-283 Ian M Davies, Aubrey Truman, Huaizhong Zhao
Stochastic heat and Burgers equations and their singularities II - Analytical Properties and Limiting Distributions (1028K, PDF) Sep 10, 04
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97-140 Arians S.
Geometric Approach to Inverse Scattering for Hydrogen-like Systems in a Homogeneous Magnetic Field (48K, LaTeX 2e) Mar 20, 97
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97-303 Detlef Lehmann
An Explicit Solution of the BCS Model and Demonstration of Symmetry Breaking (117K, TeX) May 27, 97
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02-126 R. de la Madrid, A. Bohm, M. Gadella
Rigged Hilbert Space Treatment of Continuous Spectrum (101K, LATEX) Mar 16, 02
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06-319 Tepper L. Gill, W. W. Zachary and Marcus Alfred
Analytic Representation of The Dirac Equation (7829K, pdf) Nov 6, 06
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16-17 Alberto Strumia
Fundamental fields as eigenvectors of the metric tensor in a 16-dimensional space-time (82K, LATeX 2e) Feb 2, 16
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95-270 del Rio R., Jitomirskaya S., Last Y., Simon B.
Operators with singular continuous spectrum, IV. Hausdorff dimensions, rank one perturbations, and localization (112K, AMSTeX) Jun 14, 95
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95-415 Exner P.
Contact interactions on graph superlattices (107K, LATEX) Sep 7, 95
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97-4 Rudnev M., Wiggins S.
Existence of exponentially small separatrix splitting and homoclinic connections between whiskered tori in weakly hyperbolic near-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Revised version. (305K, LaTeX) Jan 4, 97
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98-106 Valeri V. Dvoeglazov (EFUAZ)
Questions in the Theory of the (1,0)+(0,1) Quantized Fields (96K, ReVTeX) Mar 1, 98
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00-98 Lieb E.H., Siedentop H.
Renormalization of the Regularized Relativistic Electron-Positron Field (36K, LATeX) Mar 2, 00
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00-276 Dimitri YAFAEV, Yannick GATEL.
Scattering theory for the Dirac operator with a long-range electromagnetic potential. (624K, Postscript) Jun 20, 00
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01-37 Martinez A., Sordoni V.
On the Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation with Smooth Potential (23K, LATeX) Jan 25, 01
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01-87 Daniel Ueltschi
Geometric and probabilistic aspects of boson lattice models (143K, LaTeX2e with 8 postscript figures) Mar 2, 01
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01-419 Tepper L. Gill, Woodford W. Zachary and James Lindesay
The Classical Electron Problem (415K, pdf) Nov 9, 01
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02-127 Ricardo Weder
The Time-Dependent Approach to Inverse scattering (66K, Latex) Mar 16, 02
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05-137 Alexander Elgart and Benjamin Schlein
Mean Field Dynamics of Boson Stars (123K, LateX) Apr 15, 05
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06-362 W. O. Amrein, Ph. Jacquet
Time delay for one-dimensional quantum systems with steplike potentials (627K, Postscript) Dec 14, 06
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07-271 Gianfausto Dell'Antonio, Rodolfo Figari, Alessandro Teta
Joint excitation probability for two harmonic oscillators in dimension one and the Mott problem (374K, pdf) Nov 14, 07
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08-106 S{\o}ren Fournais (University of Aarhus & CNRS), Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Vienna University), Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Vienna University & ESI), Thomas {\O}stergaard S{\o}rensen (Aalborg University)
Analytic structure of many-body Coulombic wave functions (63K, LaTeX2e) Jun 6, 08
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