Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 98-167".
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04-109 S. Boenisch and V. Heuveline and P. Wittwer
Second order adaptive boundary conditions for exterior flow problems: non-symmetric stationary flows in two dimensions (825K, pdf) Apr 14, 04
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04-255 Jean-Marc Bouclet, Fran ois Germinet, Abel Klein, Jeffrey Schenker
Linear response theory for magnetic Schrodinger operators in disordered media (525K, pdf) Aug 18, 04
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04-283 Ian M Davies, Aubrey Truman, Huaizhong Zhao
Stochastic heat and Burgers equations and their singularities II - Analytical Properties and Limiting Distributions (1028K, PDF) Sep 10, 04
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05-39 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes, Nicholas Crawford
Mean-field driven first-order phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions (212K, ZIP) Jan 30, 05
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05-126 Asao Arai
Generalized Weak Weyl Relation and Decay of Quantum Dynamics (93K, LaTex209) Apr 8, 05
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05-217 Horia D. Cornean, G. Nenciu, Thomas G. Pedersen
The Faraday effect revisited: General theory (298K, pdf) Jun 17, 05
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05-346 G. L. Sewell
Quantum Macrostatistical Theory of Nonequilibrium Steady States (136K, TeX) Sep 30, 05
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06-178 Sergei B. Kuksin
Randomly forced nonlinear PDEs and statistical hydrodynamics in 2 space dimensions (1221K, post-script) Jun 8, 06
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06-286 Heribert Zenk
Ionisation by quantised electromagnetic fields: The photoelectric effect (514K, PDF) Oct 10, 06
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06-316 J. Froehlich, M. Griesemer, I.M. Sigal
Mourre Estimate and Spectral Theory for the Standard Model of Non-Relativistic QED (435K, pdf) Nov 6, 06
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07-20 Sylvain Golenia, Sergiu Moroianu
Spectral analysis of magnetic Laplacians on conformally cusp manifolds (155K, latex) Jan 26, 07
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07-224 M. A. Astaburuaga, Ph. Briet, V. Bruneau, C. Fernandez, G. Raikov
Dynamical resonances and SSF singularities for a magnetic Schroedinger operator (427K, pdf) Oct 1, 07
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09-207 Valeriy Dvoeglazov
P, C and T for Truly Neutral Particles (156K, PDF file) Nov 21, 09
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10-37 Mark Davidson
A class of analytic solutions for force-free electromagnetic fields (197K, PDF) Feb 19, 10
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10-70 A.C.D. van Enter, R. Fern\'andez, Fr.den Hollander and F.Redig
A large-deviation view on dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions (78K, latex) May 2, 10
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12-80 Syed Afsar Abbas
The Standard Model is a Complete Theory in itself and Quantum Electrodynamics is mathematically and physically a self-consistent theory (26K, LATEX) Aug 1, 12
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12-118 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov (Universidad de Zacatecas)
How to construct self/anti-self charge conjugate states for higher spins? (164K, PDF) Oct 7, 12
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13-18 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Pre-Big Bang, fundamental Physics and noncyclic cosmologies (241K, PDF) Feb 28, 13
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13-63 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Self/anti-self charge conjugate states in the helicity basis. (23K, LaTeX2) Jul 22, 13
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16-12 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Spinorial space-time and the origin of Quantum Mechanics (202K, PDF) Jan 29, 16
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16-80 Frank Lad
On the mathematical error of Aspect/Bell, and its resolution (362K, Postscript) Oct 1, 16
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17-26 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Quantum Mechanics, vacuum, particles, G del-Cohen incompleteness and the Universe (378K, PDF) Mar 20, 17
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18-49 N. Tsitverblit
Gravitation and energy-momentum conservation in nonsingular general relativity (305K, pdf) Apr 29, 18
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19-28 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
The Feynman-Dyson Propagators for Neutral Particles (Locality or Non-locality?) (264K, PDF) Apr 3, 19
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19-39 J.-B. Bru and W. de Siqueira Pedra
Macroscopic Long-Range Dynamics of Fermions and Quantum Spins on the Lattice - An Introduction (304K, pdf) Jun 14, 19
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20-102 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
On Negative-Energy 4-Spinors and Masses in the Dirac Equation (25K, PDF) Dec 4, 20
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21-38 Vaibhav R. Kalvakota
Investigating f(R) gravity and cosmologies (324K, LaTeX PDF) Jul 11, 21
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21-39 Damon Wai Kwan So
Surfing Momentum, Mass, Energy and Dark Matter (1827K, pdf) Jul 17, 21
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22-27 Ahmet Ilker Topuz, Madis Kiisk, Andrea Giammanco
DOME: Discrete oriented muon emission in GEANT4 simulations (507K, PDF) May 31, 22
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92-2 Forger M., Laartz J., Schaeper U.
Current Algebra of Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models (22K, LaTex) Jan 27, 92
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