Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 22-50".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
99-143 Jens Marklof, Zeev Rudnick
Quantum unique ergodicity for parabolic maps (59K, LaTeX 2e) May 6, 99
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99-201 C. Chandre, H.R. Jauslin
Strange attractor for the renormalization flow for invariant tori of Hamiltonian systems with two generic frequencies (352K, REVTeX with 5 PS figures) May 31, 99
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

99-377 Alberto Berretti and Guido Gentile
Scaling Properties for the Radius of Convergence of Lindstedt Series: Generalized Standard Maps (520K, Postscript) Oct 8, 99
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

00-149 Giovanni Bellettini, Paolo Butta', Errico Presutti
Sharp interface limits for non local anisotropic interactions (307K, PostScript file) Apr 4, 00
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00-213 Jonathan Butler
Semi-classical asymptotics of the spectral function of pseudodifferential operators (157K, AMS-TeX) May 8, 00
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00-255 M. Baake, D. Joseph, and M. Schlottmann
The Root Lattice D_4 and Planar Quasilattices with Octagonal and Dodecagonal Symmetry (1750K, Postscript, gzipped) Jun 5, 00
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00-297 Jorba A., Villanueva J.
The fine geometry of the Cantor families of invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems (94K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Jul 19, 00
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00-517 Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
A sample-paths approach to noise-induced synchronization: Stochastic resonance in a double-well potential (847K, PostScript) Dec 29, 00
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00-519 Lazutkin V.F
A remark on ``Some remarks on the problem of ergodicity of the Standard Map'' (13K, LATeX 2e) Dec 30, 00
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01-5 David Sauzin and Stefano Marmi
Quasianalytic monogenic solutions of a cohomological equation (1067K, Postscript) Jan 4, 01
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01-77 Yuri Kozitsky and Lech Wolowski
A nonlinear dynamical system on the set of Laguerre entire functions (358K, PostScrip) Feb 26, 01
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01-135 I. Bosch-Vivancos, A. M. Minzoni
Chaotic behaviour in a singularly perturbed system (3503K, PS) Apr 5, 01
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01-195 Ale Jan Homburg Todd Young
Jakobson's Theorem near saddle-node bifurcations (960K, .ps.gz) May 29, 01
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01-208 Carlangelo Liverani Veronique Maume-Deschamps
Lasota-Yorke maps with holes: conditionally invariant probability measures and invariant probability measures on the survivor set. (376K, poscript file) Jun 5, 01
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01-298 Marius Mantoiu
C*-Algebras, Dynamical Systems at Infinity and the Essential Spectrum of Generalized Schrodinger Operators (540K, ps) Aug 7, 01
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01-349 Jean-Baptiste Bardet
Limit theorems for coupled analytic maps (363K, PostScript) Oct 2, 01
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01-394 Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Mueller, Simone Warzel
Existence and uniqueness of the integrated density of states for Schroedinger operators with magnetic fields and unbounded random potentials (331K, PS) Oct 23, 01
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01-474 Heinz Hanßmann, Jan-Cees van der Meer
On the Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcations in the 3D Hénon-Heiles family (190K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Dec 17, 01
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02-445 Radu C. Cascaval, Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden, and Yuri Latushkin
Spectral Analysis of Darboux Transformations for the Focusing NLS Hierarchy (159K, LaTeX) Oct 31, 02
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02-510 X. Cabre, E. Fontich, R. de la Llave
The parameterization method for invariant manifolds I: manifolds associated to non-resonant subspaces (606K, ps) Dec 10, 02
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02-517 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes and Roman Kotecky
Critical region for droplet formation in the two-dimensional Ising model (245K, Latex) Dec 14, 02
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03-112 Amadeu Delshams, Pere Guti\'errez
Exponentially small splitting for whiskered tori in Hamiltonian systems: Continuation of transverse homoclinic orbits (460K, Postscript) Mar 13, 03
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03-189 J.L. Borg, J.V. Pule
Pauli Approximations to the Self-Adjoint Extensions of the Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonian (272K, PDF) Apr 23, 03
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03-199 Tamura Hideo
Resolvent Convergence in Norm for Dirac Operator with Aharonov-Bohm Field (584K, Postscript) Apr 28, 03
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03-211 Rafael de la Llave, Arturo Olvera
The Obstruction criterion for non existence of Invariant Circles and Renormalization. (1062K, PostScript) May 5, 03
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03-269 Henk W. Broer, Heinz Hanßmann, Jiangong You
Bifurcations of Normally Parabolic Tori in Hamiltonian Systems (302K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Jun 6, 03
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03-387 Heinz Hanßmann
Hamiltonian Torus Bifurcations Related to Simple Singularities (166K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Aug 26, 03
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04-60 Didier ROBERT
Non Linear Eigenvalue Problems (289K, PDF) Mar 4, 04
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04-138 Eduardo V. Teixeira
Strong solutions for differential equations in abstract spaces (402K, AMS-TeX) Apr 29, 04
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04-362 Rafael Ram rez-Ros
Exponentially small separatrix splittings and almost invisible homoclinic bifurcations in some billiard tables (1089K, Postscript) Nov 5, 04
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05-5 St phane Attal, Alain Joye
Weak Coupling and Continuous Limits for Repeated Quantum Interactions (429K, pdf) Jan 5, 05
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