Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 20-88".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
98-572 Komech A., Spohn H.
Long-time asymptotics for the coupled Maxwell-Lorentz equations. (64K, LaTeX 2e) Aug 24, 98
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

98-642 Nicolas GONZALEZ
An Example of Pure Stability for the Wave Equation with Moving Boundary (23K, LaTex) Oct 13, 98
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

99-89 N. Berglund
Control of Dynamic Hopf Bifurcations (127K, LaTeX 2e with 4 PS Figures) Mar 30, 99
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

99-416 Cicogna G.
Resonant Bifurcations (50K, PlainTeX) Nov 3, 99
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

00-113 Jean Bricmont, Antti Kupiainen, Raphael Lefevere
Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with Random Forcing (222K, Postscript) Mar 15, 00
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00-250 Jacques Rougemont
Space-Time Invariant Measures, Entropy, and Dimension for Stochastic Ginzburg-Landau Equations (707K, Postscript) May 30, 00
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00-276 Dimitri YAFAEV, Yannick GATEL.
Scattering theory for the Dirac operator with a long-range electromagnetic potential. (624K, Postscript) Jun 20, 00
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01-141 Gianni Arioli
Periodic orbits, symbolic dynamics and topological entropy for the restricted 3-body problem (1329K, postscript) Apr 11, 01
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01-156 Jinqiao Duan and Beniamin Goldys
Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced Large Scale Geophysical Flows (174K, ps) Apr 25, 01
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01-290 Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
The effect of additive noise on dynamical hysteresis (389K, PostScript) Jul 27, 01
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01-369 I. Rodnianski, W. Schlag
Time decay for solutions of Schr\"odinger equations with rough and time dependent potentials (781K, postscript) Oct 12, 01
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01-397 Julio H. Toloza
Exponentially Accurate Error Estimates of Quasiclassical Eigenvalues II: Several Dimensions (437K, Postscript) Oct 24, 01
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01-403 Stamatis Dostoglou
Homogeneous measures and spatial ergodicity of the Navier-Stokes equations (192K, Postscript) Oct 30, 01
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01-424 Diogo A. Gomes
Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, and Asymptotics for Hamiltonian Systems (233K, PDF) Nov 14, 01
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02-61 T. Bodineau and F. Martinelli
Some New Results on the Kinetic Ising Model in a Pure Phase (325K, Postscript gzipped) Feb 8, 02
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02-126 R. de la Madrid, A. Bohm, M. Gadella
Rigged Hilbert Space Treatment of Continuous Spectrum (101K, LATEX) Mar 16, 02
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02-160 Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Geometric singular perturbation theory for stochastic differential equations (556K, Postscript) Mar 30, 02
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02-259 R de la Madrid, M Gadella
A Pedestrian Introduction to Gamow Vectors (108K, gzipped tar) Jun 11, 02
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03-103 D. Cordoba, C. Fefferman, R. de la Llave
On squirt singularities (31K, LaTeX) Mar 10, 03
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03-359 Guillaume van Baalen, Jean-Pierre Eckmann
Non-Vanishing Profiles for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation on the Infinite Line (132K, ps) Aug 7, 03
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03-375 Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
On the noise-induced passage through an unstable periodic orbit I: Two-level model (358K, Postscript) Aug 18, 03
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03-380 Th. Gallay, C.E. Wayne
Global stability of vortex solutions of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation (507K, Postscript) Aug 22, 03
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04-181 M. Hairer, J. C. Mattingly
Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with Degenerate Stochastic Forcing (327K, PDF) Jun 8, 04
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04-227 Michela Procesi
Quasi-periodic solutions for completely resonant non-linear wave equations in 1D and 2D (37K, latex-2e) Jul 23, 04
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04-277 Nikola P. Petrov, Lu Lu, Charles R. Doering
Variational bounds on the energy dissipation rate in body-forced shear flow (1890K, Postscript) Sep 7, 04
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04-342 M. Berti, P. Bolle
Cantor families of periodic solutions for completely resonant nonlinear wave equations (264K, dvi ) Oct 29, 04
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05-70 Massimiliano Berti, Michela Procesi
Quasi-periodic solutions of completely resonant forced wave equations (567K, PS) Feb 16, 05
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05-218 D. Bambusi, A. Ponno
On Metastability in FPU (361K, pdf) Jun 20, 05
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05-389 Pavel M. Bleher and Vladimir V. Fokin
Exact Solution of the Six-Vertex Model with Domain Wall Boundary Conditions. Disordered Phase (755K, Postscript) Nov 13, 05
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05-399 Michele V. Bartuccelli, Jonathan H.B. Deane, and Guido Gentile
Globally and locally attractive solutions for quasi-periodically forced systems (557K, Postscript) Nov 23, 05
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06-61 Andrei Agrachev, Sergei Kuksin, Andrey Sarychev, Armen Shirikyan
On finite-dimensional projections of distributions for solutions of randomly forced PDE's (483K, Postscript) Mar 13, 06
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