Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 20-2".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
19-44 Fenfen Wang, Rafael de la Llave
Response solutions to quasi-periodically forced systems, even to possibly ill-posed PDEs, with strongly dissipation and any frequency vectors (820K, PDF) Jun 28, 19
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22-12 Serena Dipierro, Giovanni Giacomin, and Enrico Valdinoci
Diffusive processes modeled on the spectral fractional Laplacian with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions (706K, pdf) Mar 15, 22
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22-83 Pavel Exner. Sylwia Kondej, Vladimir Lotoreichik
Bound states of weakly deformed soft waveguides (857K, pdf) Dec 27, 22
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23-86 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Matej Tusek
On two-dimensional Dirac operators with $\delta$-shell interactions supported on unbounded curves with straight ends (650K, pdf) Dec 22, 23
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93-43 Petkov V., Stoyanov L.
Sojourn times of trapping rays and the behaviour of the modified resolvent of the Laplacian (72K, LaTex) Feb 22, 93
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94-323 P. Exner,P. Duclos
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95-522 Pavel Exner
Weakly coupled states on branching graphs (21K, LaTeX) Dec 11, 95
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97-276 Harrell E.M. II, Loss M.
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97-523 Exner P., Vugalter S.A.
Bound-state asymptotic estimates for window--coupled Dirichlet strips and layers (54K, LaTeX) Sep 25, 97
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98-8 Pavel Exner, Simeon A. Vugalter
On the number of particles which a curved quantum waveguide can bind (34K, LaTeX) Jan 7, 98
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99-124 Pavel Exner and David Krejcirik
Quantum waveguides with a lateral semitransparent barrier: spectral and scattering properties (1304K, LaTeX 2e) Apr 22, 99
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99-168 S. Fournais
The Nodal Surface Of The Second Eigenfunction Of The Laplacian In ${\mathbf R}^D$ Can Be Closed (198K, PostScript) May 12, 99
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99-427 F. Gesztesy and A. G. Ramm
An inverse problem for point inhomogeneities (46K, LaTeX) Nov 12, 99
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01-5 David Sauzin and Stefano Marmi
Quasianalytic monogenic solutions of a cohomological equation (1067K, Postscript) Jan 4, 01
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01-108 Pavel Exner, Kazushi Yoshitomi
Asymptotics of eigenvalues of the Schroedinger operator with a strong delta-interaction on a loop (37K, LaTeX) Mar 23, 01
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01-326 Peter D. Hislop, Carl V. Lutzer
Spectral asymptotics of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on multiply connected domains in R^d (105K, LaTex 2e) Sep 12, 01
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01-415 Pavel Exner, Pavel Stovicek, Petr Vytras
Generalised boundary conditions for the Aharonov-Bohm effect combined with a homogeneous magnetic field (57K, LaTeX 2e) Nov 8, 01
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02-145 B. Helffer, A. Morame
Magnetic bottles for the Neumann problem: curvature effects in the case of dimension 3 (general case) (215K, LaTeX 2e) Mar 25, 02
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03-17 Pavel Exner
Spectral Properties of Schroedinger operators with a strongly attractive $\delta$ interaction supported by a surface (49K, LaTeX) Jan 15, 03
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03-264 D. Krejcirik, J. Kriz
On the spectrum of curved quantum waveguides (313K, LaTeX 2e with 2 EPS Figures) Jun 4, 03
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04-152 P. Exner, P. Freitas, D. Krejcirik
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes (42K, LaTeX) May 13, 04
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04-203 Yaroslav Kurylev, Matti Lassas and Ricardo Weder
Multidimensional Borg Levinson Theorem (43K, AMSLATEX) Jun 28, 04
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04-360 G. van Baalen
Downstream asymptotics in exterior domains: from stationary wakes to time periodic flows (520K, pdf) Nov 4, 04
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04-362 Rafael Ram rez-Ros
Exponentially small separatrix splittings and almost invisible homoclinic bifurcations in some billiard tables (1089K, Postscript) Nov 5, 04
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04-385 S. Fournais, B. Helffer
Accurate estimates for magnetic bottles in connection with superconductivity (581K, pdf) Nov 16, 04
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05-237 Mark Pollicott and Howard Weiss
Free energy as a geometric invariant (234K, pdf) Jul 5, 05
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05-300 Pavel Exner, Evans M. Harrell, and Michael Loss
Inequalities for means of chords, with application to isoperimetric problems (29K, LaTeX) Aug 31, 05
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06-9 Mara Felici, Valerio Lucarini, Antonio Speranza, Renato Vitolo
Extreme Value Statistics of the Total Energy in an Intermediate Complexity Model of the Mid-latitude Atmospheric Jet. Part I: Stationary case. (3337K, PDF) Jan 11, 06
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06-164 G. Del Magno, R. Markarian
On the Bernoulli property of planar hyperbolic billiards (684K, PDF) May 18, 06
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06-177 D. Borisov and P. Exner
Distant perturbation asymptotics in window-coupled waveguides. I. The non-threshold case (107K, LaTeX 2e with 1 EPS Figure) Jun 7, 06
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07-46 Pavel Exner and Olaf Post
Convergence of resonances on thin branched quantum wave guides (769K, ps) Feb 26, 07
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