Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 99-301".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
10-158 Raffaele Carlone, Pavel Exner
A "hybrid plane" with spin-orbit interaction and magnetic field (1979K, pdf) Sep 27, 10
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10-183 H. Najar ; O. Olendski
Spectral and localization properties of the Dirichlet wave guide with two concentric Neumann discs (23473K, .ps , .pdf) Nov 13, 10
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

12-32 Pavel Exner and Diana Barseghyan
Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians and Schroedinger operators on geometrically nontrivial cusps (55K, pdf) Mar 9, 12
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13-59 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, and Vladimir Lotoreichik
Schr\"odinger operators with $\delta$ and $\delta'$-interactions on Lipschitz surfaces and chromatic numbers of associated partitions (969K, pdf) Jun 29, 13
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14-34 Pavel Exner and Ondrej Turek
Spectrum of a dilated honeycomb network (507K, pdf) May 4, 14
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15-63 Pavel Exner and Sylwia Kondej
Strong coupling asymptotics for Schr\"odinger operators with an interaction supported by an open arc in three dimensions (568K, pdf) Jul 8, 15
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15-117 Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik
A spectral isoperimetric inequality for cones (878K, Postscript) Dec 9, 15
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16-44 Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Milos Tater
On resonances and bound states of Smilansky Hamiltonian (285K, pdf) Jul 2, 16
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16-73 Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner
A regular analogue of the Smilansky model: spectral properties (185K, pdf) Sep 10, 16
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17-115 Pavel Exner and Sylwia Kondej
Aharonov and Bohm vs. Welsh eigenvalues (167K, pdf) Dec 13, 17
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18-81 Pavel Exner
Singular Schr\"odinger operators and Robin billiards. Spectral properties and asymptotic expansions (671K, pdf) Jul 18, 18
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19-42 Pavel Exner and Jiri Lipovsky
Spectral asymptotics of the Laplacian on Platonic solids graphs (502K, pdf) Jun 21, 19
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19-61 Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner, and Milos Tater
Ring chains with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation (757K, pdf) Dec 8, 19
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20-2 Pavel Exner and Vladimir Lotoreichik
Spectral optimization for Robin Laplacian in domains without cut loci (383K, pdf) Jan 8, 20
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20-24 Pavel Exner
Topologically induced spectral behavior: the example of quantum graphs (2460K, pdf) Mar 13, 20
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20-48 Pavel Exner
Spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides (469K, pdf) Jun 26, 20
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21-47 Pavel Exner
Soft quantum waveguides in three dimensions (225K, pdf) Aug 30, 21
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22-32 Diana Barseghyan and Pavel Exner
Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacian on spiral-shaped regions (545K, pdf) Jun 29, 22
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22-34 Pavel Exner and Jiri Lipovsky
Spectral transition model with the general contact interaction (480K, pdf) Jul 8, 22
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23-39 Pavel Exner and David Spitzkopf
Tunneling in soft waveguides: closing a book (986K, pdf) Jul 4, 23
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23-86 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Matej Tusek
On two-dimensional Dirac operators with $\delta$-shell interactions supported on unbounded curves with straight ends (650K, pdf) Dec 22, 23
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94-12 Avron J.E., Exner P., Last Y.
Periodic Schroedinger Operators with Large Gaps and Wannier--Stark Ladders (23K, LaTeX) Jan 19, 94
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94-78 Gesztesy F., Holden H., Simon B.
Absolute Summability of the Trace Relation for Certain Schrodinger Operators (73K, AMSTeX) Mar 30, 94
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94-323 P. Exner,P. Duclos
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

95-40 Eckmann J.-P., Pillet C.-A.
Scattering Phases and Density of States for Exterior Domains (128K, Postscript) Feb 4, 95
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95-148 Alexander MOROZ
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

95-265 Stefano Isola
Dynamical zeta functions and correlation functions for non-uniformly hyperbolic transformations. (63K, Plain-Tex) Jun 12, 95
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95-398 Pavel Exner, Ralf Gawlista
Band spectra of rectangular graph superlattices (2735K, PostScript (Adobe, V. 2.0)) Aug 31, 95
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95-415 Exner P.
Contact interactions on graph superlattices (107K, LATEX) Sep 7, 95
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95-417 Exner P.
A quantum pipette (185K, LATEX) Sep 7, 95
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95-430 Knill O.
Maximizing the packing density on a class of almost periodic sphere packings (50K, LaTeX) Sep 21, 95
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95-527 P. Exner, P. {\v S}eba, M. Tater, D. Van{\v e}k
Bound states and scattering in quantum waveguides coupled laterally through a boundary window (579K, LaTeX, ps figures) Dec 13, 95
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