Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 23-44".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
10-68 Pablo S. Casas, Rafael Ramirez-Ros
The frequency map of billiards inside ellipsoids (2325K, PDF) Apr 30, 10
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10-72 Massimiliano Berti, Luca Biasco
Branching of Cantor manifolds of elliptic tori and applications to PDEs (820K, pdf) May 6, 10
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11-129 Jacques Fejoz, Marcel Guardia, Vadim Kaloshin, Pablo Roldan
Diffusion along mean motion resonance in the restricted planar three-body problem (2938K, Postscript) Sep 12, 11
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

11-131 Raffaella Servadei, Enrico Valdinoci
Variational methods for non-local operators of elliptic type (381K, pdf) Sep 14, 11
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12-21 A.N. Gorban
Thermodynamic Tree: The Space of Admissible Paths (594K, PDF) Feb 11, 12
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13-72 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Notoph-Graviton-Photon Coupling (59K, LaTeX) Aug 21, 13
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14-16 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
CMB B-modes, spinorial space-time and Pre-Big Bang (I) (246K, PDF) Mar 28, 14
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14-78 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
BICEP2, Planck, spinorial space-time, pre-Big Bang (340K, PDF) Dec 4, 14
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16-11 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Big Bang, inflation, standard Physics... and the potentialities of new Physics and alternative cosmologies (435K, PDF) Jan 29, 16
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16-52 Stefano Mar , Alfonso Sorrentino
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

16-62 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Cosmological implications of a preonic vacuum (I) (350K, PDF) Aug 2, 16
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16-94 Serena Dipierro, Luca Lombardini, Pietro Miraglio, Enrico Valdinoci
The Phillip Island penguin parade (a mathematical treatment) (2510K, pdf) Nov 26, 16
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17-15 Massimiliano Berti,Jean-Marc Delort
Almost global existence of solutions for capillarity-gravity water waves equations with periodic spatial boundary conditions (1998K, PDF) Feb 4, 17
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17-26 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Quantum Mechanics, vacuum, particles, G del-Cohen incompleteness and the Universe (378K, PDF) Mar 20, 17
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17-28 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Value of H, space-time patterns, vacuum, matter, expansion of the Universe, alternative cosmologies (314K, PDF) Mar 20, 17
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18-49 N. Tsitverblit
Gravitation and energy-momentum conservation in nonsingular general relativity (305K, pdf) Apr 29, 18
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19-3 Renato C. Calleja, Alessandra Celletti, Rafael de la Llave
Whiskered KAM tori of conformally symplectic systems (577K, PDF) Jan 22, 19
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20-94 Damon Wai Kwan So
Nondeterministic Quantum Mechanics, the Two-Slit Experiment, Measurement, Wave- Particle Duality, Spin and Energy (4977K, pdf) Oct 30, 20
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21-24 Christian Corda
The secret of planets' perihelion between Newton and Einstein (378K, PDF) May 7, 21
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21-33 Vaibhav Kalvakota
A brief account of the Cauchy problem in General Relativity (289K, LaTeX PDF) Jun 28, 21
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21-53 Damon Wai Kwan So
A Theory of Mass and Energy with Reference to Surfing Momentum (2075K, pdf) Oct 16, 21
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22-53 Serena Dipierro, Giovanni Giacomin, and Enrico Valdinoci
Analysis of the L\'evy flight foraging hypothesis in $\R^n$ and unreliability of the most rewarding strategies (725K, pdf) Sep 29, 22
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23-65 Serena Dipierro, Edoardo Proietti Lippi, and Enrico Valdinoci
The role of Allee effects for Gaussian and L\'evy dispersals in an environmental niche (777K, pdf) Nov 10, 23
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91-11 B.Toth
Failure of saturated ferromagnetism for the Hubbard model with two holes (40K, TeX) Jul 13, 91
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91-27 Falcolini C., de la Llave R.
A rigorous partial justification of Greene's criterion (90K, Plain TeX) Sep 17, 91
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91-61 Benfatto G., J.Renn
Nontrivial fixed points and screening in the hierarchical two-dimensional Coulomb gas (47K, LaTeX) Nov 18, 91
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92-10 Aurich R., Bolte J., Matthies C., Sieber M., Steiner F.
Crossing the Entropy Barrier of Dynamical Zeta Functions (55K, LaTeX) Feb 13, 92
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92-58 Mack G., Kalkreuter T., Palma G., Speh M.
Effective Field Theories (1233K, PS) May 20, 92
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92-73 Fannes M., Nachtergaele B., Werner , R.F.
Abundance of translation invariant pure states on quantum spin chains (35K, Plain TeX) Jun 17, 92
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92-92 Chierchia L., Gallavotti G.
Drift and diffusion in phase space (365K, Plain TeX) Jul 24, 92
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92-119 Privman Vladimir
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

92-137 E.Bollt , J.Meiss
Breakup of Invariant Tori for the Four Dimensional Semi-Standard Map (57K, LaTeX, AMS fonts) Oct 16, 92
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