Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 22-9".
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03-448 Oliver Matte and Jacob Schach Moeller
On the spectrum of semi-classical Witten-Laplacians and Schroedinger operators in large dimension (121K, latex) Oct 1, 03
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04-211 David Damanik and Serguei Tcheremchantsev
Scaling Estimates for Solutions and Dynamical Lower Bounds on Wavepacket Spreading (63K, LaTeX) Jul 12, 04
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

04-326 Ivan Veselic'
Spectral Analysis of Percolation Hamiltonians (386K, PDF) Oct 16, 04
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04-412 Andre' Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
Analytic Smoothing Effect for the Schroedinger Equation with Long-Range Perturbation (319K, pdf) Dec 14, 04
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04-414 Rupert L. Frank
On the tunneling effect for magnetic Schr\"odinger operators in antidot lattices (356K, postscript) Dec 15, 04
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05-26 Yulia Karpeshina and Young-Ran Lee
Spectral Properties of a Polyharmonic Operator with Limit Periodic Potential in Dimension Two (an announcement). (317K, ps) Jan 20, 05
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05-63 George A. Hagedorn, Julio H. Toloza
Exponentially Accurate Quasimodes for the Time--Independent Born--Oppenheimer Approximation on a One--Dimensional Molecular System (67K, LaTeX 2e) Feb 10, 05
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05-91 Peter Kuchment, Yehuda Pinchover
Liouville theorems and spectral edge behavior on abelian coverings of compact manifolds (138K, LATEX) Mar 6, 05
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05-284 Pavel Exner and Ondrej Turek
Approximations of permutation-symmetric vertex couplings in quantum graphs (45K, LaTeX) Aug 23, 05
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05-299 Pavel Exner
Necklaces with interacting beads: isoperimetric problem (35K, LaTeX) Aug 31, 05
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05-332 Yulia Karpeshina, Young-Ran Lee
Properties of a Polyharmonic Operator with Limit-Periodic Potential in Dimension Two. (392K, pdf) Sep 20, 05
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06-10 Olaf Post
Spectral convergence of non-compact quasi-one-dimensional spaces (201K, latex) Jan 11, 06
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06-169 Sylwia Kondej, Ivan Veselic
Lower bounds on the lowest spectral gap of singular potential Hamiltonians (396K, PDF) May 31, 06
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06-302 Pavel Exner, Jiri Lipovsky
Equivalence of resolvent and scattering resonances on quantum graphs (34K, AMS-LaTeX) Oct 25, 06
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06-304 J. Behrndt, M. M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt
Scattering Theory for Open Quantum Systems (558K, pdf) Oct 31, 06
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06-362 W. O. Amrein, Ph. Jacquet
Time delay for one-dimensional quantum systems with steplike potentials (627K, Postscript) Dec 14, 06
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07-46 Pavel Exner and Olaf Post
Convergence of resonances on thin branched quantum wave guides (769K, ps) Feb 26, 07
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07-48 Peter D. Hislop, Eric Soccorsi
Edge Currents for Quantum Hall Systems, I. One-Edge, Unbounded Geometries (159K, Latex 2e) Feb 27, 07
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07-224 M. A. Astaburuaga, Ph. Briet, V. Bruneau, C. Fernandez, G. Raikov
Dynamical resonances and SSF singularities for a magnetic Schroedinger operator (427K, pdf) Oct 1, 07
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07-253 Hamse Y. Mussa, Jonathan Tennyson, and Robert C. Glen
Inverse-covariance matrix of linear operators for quantum spectrum scanning (340K, pdf) Oct 27, 07
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07-301 Pavel Exner and Sylwia Kondej
Hiatus perturbation for a singular Schr\"odinger operator with an interaction supported by a curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$ (84K, LaTeX) Dec 3, 07
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08-19 P. Exner, M. Fraas
Interlaced dense point and absolutely continuous spectra for Hamiltonians with concentric-shell singular interactions (48K, LaTeX) Jan 28, 08
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08-130 C. G rard, A. Panati
Spectral and scattering theory for \\ space-cutoff $P(\varphi)_{2}$ models with variable metric (535K, pdf) Jun 26, 08
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08-220 Olaf Post and Pavel Exner
Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schr\"odinger operators on thin branched manifolds (474K, latex) Nov 22, 08
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09-208 John R. Klauder
New Affine Coherent States based on Elements of Nonrenormalizable Scalar Field Models (43K, latex) Nov 22, 09
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10-59 Pavel Exner, Jiri Lipovsky
On the absence of absolutely continuous spectra for Schr\"{o}dinger operators on radial tree graphs (375K, pdf) Apr 12, 10
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10-166 Cesar R. de Oliveira
Quantum singular operator limits of thin Dirichlet tubes via $\Gamma$-convergence (546K, pdf) Oct 11, 10
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