Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 20-78".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
01-165 Plamen Stefanov
Sharp upper bounds on the number of resonances near the real axis for trapped systems (548K, Postscript) May 3, 01
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01-222 Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Mueller, Simone Warzel
The Absolute Continuity of the Integrated Density of States for Magnetic Schr{\"o}dinger Operators with Certain Unbounded Random Potentials (282K, Postscript) Jun 21, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

01-272 Vania Sordoni
Reduction Scheme for Semiclassical Operator-valued Schr\"odinger Type Equation and Application to Scattering (224K, Postscript) Jul 13, 01
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01-394 Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Mueller, Simone Warzel
Existence and uniqueness of the integrated density of states for Schroedinger operators with magnetic fields and unbounded random potentials (331K, PS) Oct 23, 01
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01-397 Julio H. Toloza
Exponentially Accurate Error Estimates of Quasiclassical Eigenvalues II: Several Dimensions (437K, Postscript) Oct 24, 01
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01-428 Jecko Th.
Semiclassical resolvent estimates for Schr\"odinger matrix operators with eigenvalues crossing. (109K, LaTeX 2e) Nov 20, 01
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02-162 E. Kirr and M.I. Weinstein
Metastable states in parametrically excited multimode Hamiltonian systems (445K, Postscript) Mar 31, 02
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02-174 Jens Bolte and Rainer Glaser
A semiclassical Egorov theorem and quantum ergodicity for matrix valued operators (86K, LaTeX-2e) Apr 9, 02
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02-179 MARTINEZ Andre'
On a General Born--Oppenheimer Reduction Scheme (28K, LATeX 2e) Apr 10, 02
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02-232 J. Bruening, S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, V. A. Geyler, and K. V. Pankrashkin
The geometric structure of the Landau bands (457K, RevTeX 4 with 3 figures) May 21, 02
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02-330 Monique Combescure and Didier Robert
Semiclassical results in the linear response theory (244K, PDF) Jul 28, 02
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02-357 Jan Philip Solovej, Wolfgang L Spitzer
A new coherent states approach to semiclassics which gives Scott's correction (107K, latex) Aug 30, 02
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02-412 Jan Philip Solovej and Wolfgang L Spitzer
New coherent states and a new proof of the Scott correction (48K, AMS-LaTeX 1.2) Oct 2, 02
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03-475 Alexander N. Gorban, Iliya V. Karlin
Uniqueness of thermodynamic projector and kinetic basis of molecular individualism (845K, pdf) Oct 26, 03
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04-88 Stefan Teufel and Gianluca Panati
Propagation of Wigner functions for the Schroedinger equation with a perturbed periodic potential (44K, LaTeX) Mar 19, 04
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04-91 Thierry Jecko
Non-trapping condition for semiclassical Schr dinger operators with matrix-valued potentials. (362K, pdf) Mar 23, 04
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04-235 Andrea Sacchetti
Nonlinear double well Schrodinger equations in the semiclassical limit (93K, Latex2e + 1 PostScript Figure) Jul 29, 04
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04-251 C. Cancelier, A. Martinez, T. Ramond
Quantum resonances without analyticity (513K, pdf) Aug 14, 04
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04-331 Pavel Exner and Takashi Ichinose
Product formula related to quantum Zeno dynamics (67K, LaTeX) Oct 22, 04
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04-332 D. Bambusi, B. Gr\'ebert
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

05-187 G. L. Sewell
On the Mathematical Structure of Quantum Measurement Theory (58K, TeX) May 26, 05
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05-286 Joye A., Marx M.
Semi-classical determination of exponentially small intermode transitions for $1+1$ space-time scattering systems (746K, post script) Aug 24, 05
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06-233 Nariyuki MINAMI
Theory of Point Processes and Some Basic Notions in Energy Level Statistics (125K, LaTeX 2e) Aug 28, 06
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06-250 O. Diaz-Espinosa, R. de la Llave
{Renormalization of weak noises of arbitrary shape for one--dimensional critical dynamical systems: Announcement of results and numerical explorations (1107K, pdf) Sep 5, 06
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06-328 D. Robert, A.V. Smilga
Supersymmetry vs ghosts (383K, PDF) Nov 13, 06
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07-37 L. Tenuta, S. Teufel
Effective dynamics for particles coupled to a quantized scalar field (188K, LaTex 2e with 2 eps figures) Feb 19, 07
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07-113 Vladimir S. Buslaev and Catherine Sulem
Linear adiabatic dynamics generated by operators with continuous spectrum.I (297K, pdf) May 4, 07
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08-155 I. Gallagher, Th. Gallay, F. Nier
Spectral asymptotics for large skew-symmetric perturbations of the harmonic oscillator (523K, PDF) Sep 3, 08
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10-33 Vasile Gradinaru, George A. Hagedorn, Alain Joye
Tunneling dynamics and spawning with adaptive semi-classical wave-packets (819K, pdf) Feb 9, 10
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10-51 Marius Mantoiu
Rieffel's pseudodifferential calculus and spectral analysis of quantum Hamiltonians (380K, pdf) Mar 16, 10
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10-95 F. Pezzotti
Mean-field Limit and Semiclassical Approximation for Quantum Particle Systems (326K, LATeX 2e) Jun 17, 10
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10-142 M. Mantoiu, R.Purice and S. Richard
Positive Quantization in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field (329K, PDF) Sep 12, 10
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