Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 19-32".
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05-296 Raphael Lefevere, Alain Schenkel
Normal Heat conductivity in a periodic chain of anharmonic oscillators. (220K, .pdf) Aug 29, 05
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05-305 J. Froehlich, M. Griesemer, B. Schlein
Rayleigh Scattering at Atoms with Dynamical Nuclei (677K, PostScript) Sep 5, 05
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

05-314 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes, Shannon Starr
Quantum spin systems at finite temperature (384K, PDF) Sep 10, 05
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

05-321 Fr d ric Serier (LMJL)
Inverse spectral problem for radial Schr\"{o}dinger operator on [0, 1] (445K, PDF) Sep 14, 05
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

05-325 Kiro Miyazaki
Critical phenomena of asymmetric nuclear matter in the extended Zimanyi-Moszkowski model (307K, PDF) Sep 18, 05
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

05-356 Ricardo Weder
Completeness of Averaged Scattering Solutions and Inverse Scattering at a Fixed Energy (50K, Latex) Oct 13, 05
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05-378 Michael V. Klibanov
Estimates of Initial Conditions of Parabolic Equations and Inequalities Via the Lateral Cauchy Data (288K, pdf) Nov 8, 05
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05-408 Tuncay Aktosun and Ricardo Weder
The Borg-Marchenko Theorem with a Continuous Spectrum (51K, ams.tex) Nov 30, 05
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05-427 Kiro Miyazaki
Properties and evolution of protoneutron stars within the extended Zimanyi-Moszkowski model (364K, PDF) Dec 19, 05
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05-428 Matthias Huber, Heinz Siedentop
Solutions of the Dirac-Fock Equations and the Energy of the Electron-Positron Field (302K, pdf) Dec 20, 05
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06-9 Mara Felici, Valerio Lucarini, Antonio Speranza, Renato Vitolo
Extreme Value Statistics of the Total Energy in an Intermediate Complexity Model of the Mid-latitude Atmospheric Jet. Part I: Stationary case. (3337K, PDF) Jan 11, 06
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06-14 O. Costin, G. Gallavotti, G. Gentile, A. Giuliani
Borel summability and Lindstedt series (85K, Plain TeX with 1 ps figure) Jan 15, 06
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06-15 Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden, and Gerald Teschl
The Algebro-Geometric Toda Hierarchy Initial Value Problem for Complex-Valued Initial Data (163K, LaTeX) Jan 18, 06
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06-42 M. Merkli, M. Mueck, I.M. Sigal
Theory of Non-Equilibrium Stationary States as a Theory of Resonances. Existence and Properties of NESS (583K, ps) Mar 1, 06
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06-129 Michael V. Klibanov and Alexander V. Tikhonravov
Estimates of initial conditions of parabolic equations in via lateral Cauchy data in infinite domains (284K, pdf) Apr 24, 06
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06-175 Kiro Miyazaki
Neutron star moment-of-inertia in the extended Zimanyi-Moszkowski model (285K, PDF) Jun 2, 06
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06-235 I. Egorova, J. Michor, and G. Teschl
Scattering theory for Jacobi operators with steplike quasi-periodic background (44K, LaTeX 2e) Aug 29, 06
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06-240 V. Jaksic, Y. Ogata, C.-A. Pillet
The Green-Kubo formula for the spin-fermion system (367K, pdf) Aug 31, 06
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06-338 Nils Berglund, Bastien Fernandez and Barbara Gentz
Metastability in Interacting Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations II: Large-N Behaviour (1038K, pdf) Nov 21, 06
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06-341 Lisa Harris, Jani Lukkarinen, Stefan Teufel, Florian Theil
Energy transport by acoustic modes of harmonic lattices (259K, LaTeX 2e with 2 EPS figures) Nov 22, 06
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06-356 Ulrich Mutze
The direct midpoint method as a quantum mechanical integrator (846K, PDF) Dec 4, 06
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06-360 Laszlo Erdos, Benjamin Schlein, Horng-Tzer Yau
Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for the Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensate (210K, latex) Dec 10, 06
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07-18 J. Behrndt, H. Neidhardt, E.R. Racec, P.N. Racec, U. Wulf
On Eisenbud's and Wigner's R-matrix: A general approach (449K, pdf) Jan 19, 07
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07-315 Philippe Gravejat, Mathieu Lewin and Eric S r
Ground State and Charge Renormalization in a Nonlinear Model of Relativistic Atoms (534K, pdf) Dec 28, 07
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08-106 S{\o}ren Fournais (University of Aarhus & CNRS), Maria Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Vienna University), Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Vienna University & ESI), Thomas {\O}stergaard S{\o}rensen (Aalborg University)
Analytic structure of many-body Coulombic wave functions (63K, LaTeX2e) Jun 6, 08
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08-132 Sylvain Golenia
Positive commutators, Fermi golden rule and the spectrum of zero temperature Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonians. (117K, tex) Jun 27, 08
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08-182 Fritz Gesztesy and Mark M. Malamud
Spectral Theory of Elliptic Operators in Exterior Domains (41K, LaTeX) Oct 9, 08
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08-199 Ulrich Mutze
Quantum Image Dynamics - an entertainment application of separated quantum dynamics (3592K, pdf) Oct 24, 08
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09-24 Balgaisha Mukanova
An inverse resistivity problem: 1. Frechet differentiability of the cost functional and Lipschitz continuity of the gradient (285K, .pdf) Feb 13, 09
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09-44 Yu.F. Alabina, A.V. Latyshev, A.A. Yushkanov
Skin Effect Problem With Diffusion Boundary Conditions in Maxwell Plasma (65K, LaTeX 2e with 1 PS Figure) Mar 4, 09
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09-54 Claude Bardos,Isabelle Catto, Norbert Mauser and Saber Trabelsi
Setting and analysis of the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock equations (645K, pdf) Mar 25, 09
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