Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 00-437".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
02-120 Christian Ferrari, Nicolas Macris
Intermixture of extended edge and localized bulk energy levels in macroscopic Hall systems (333K, Postscript) Mar 13, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-162 E. Kirr and M.I. Weinstein
Metastable states in parametrically excited multimode Hamiltonian systems (445K, Postscript) Mar 31, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-517 Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes and Roman Kotecky
Critical region for droplet formation in the two-dimensional Ising model (245K, Latex) Dec 14, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-523 Jochen Bruening, Pavel Exner, Vladimir A. Geyler
Large gaps in point-coupled periodic systems of manifolds (64K, LaTeX) Dec 18, 02
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03-95 Francis Comets, Nobuo Yoshida
Brownian Directed Polymers in Random Environment (365K, .pdf) Mar 6, 03
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03-205 Roberto Fern\'andez, Gr\'egory Maillard
Chains with complete connections and one-dimensional Gibbs measures (368K, postscript) May 1, 03
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03-397 Russell K. Jackson and Michael I. Weinstein
Geometric Analysis of Bifurcation and Symmetry Breaking in a Gross-Pitaevskii equation (438K, Postscript ) Sep 1, 03
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03-418 Sergey Bolotin, Amadeu Delshams, Rafael Ramirez-Ros
Persistence of homoclinic orbits for billiards and twist maps (419K, pdf file) Sep 14, 03
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03-494 Alexander N. Gorban
Singularities of Transition Processes in Dynamical Systems (907K, pdf) Nov 10, 03
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04-80 Takuya Mine
The Aharonov-Bohm solenoids in a constant magnetic field (778K, Postscript) Mar 12, 04
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04-175 A. Bovier (WIAS), F. den Hollander (EURANDOM), F. Nardi (Roma 1)
Sharp asymptotics for Kawasaki dynamics on a finite box with open boundary (1011K, PS) Jun 3, 04
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04-192 George A. Hagedorn, Alain Joye
Determination of Non-Adiabatic Scattering Wave Functions in a Born-Oppenheimer Model (811K, ps) Jun 21, 04
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05-68 Hans-Otto Georgii, Jozsef Lorinczi, Jani M. Lukkarinen
The Continuum Potts Model at the Disorder-Order Transition -- a Study by Cluster Dynamics (567K, LaTeX 2e with 16 EPS figures) Feb 15, 05
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05-110 Thierry Gallay, C. Eugene Wayne
Existence and stability of asymmetric Burgers vortices (345K, Postscript) Mar 17, 05
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05-116 Sergei B. Kuksin
Remarks on the balance relations for the two-dimensional Navier--Stokes equation with random forcing. (1557K, post-script) Mar 24, 05
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05-134 Patrik L. Ferrari, Herbert Spohn
Scaling Limit for the Space-Time Covariance of the Stationary Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (680K, Postscript) Apr 13, 05
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05-245 Lled\'o, Fernando and Post, Olaf
Existence of spectral gaps, covering manifolds and residually finite groups (318K, latex) Jul 15, 05
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05-264 R. Killip, I. Nenciu
CMV: the unitary analogue of Jacobi matrices (472K, pdf) Aug 5, 05
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05-286 Joye A., Marx M.
Semi-classical determination of exponentially small intermode transitions for $1+1$ space-time scattering systems (746K, post script) Aug 24, 05
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05-389 Pavel M. Bleher and Vladimir V. Fokin
Exact Solution of the Six-Vertex Model with Domain Wall Boundary Conditions. Disordered Phase (755K, Postscript) Nov 13, 05
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05-395 Fritz Gesztesy, Yuri Latushkin, and Konstantin A. Makarov
Evans Functions, Jost Functions, and Fredholm Determinants (200K, LaTeX) Nov 15, 05
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06-114 L. Bertini, E.N.M. Cirillo, E. Olivieri
Perturbative analysis of disordered Ising models close to criticality (261K, pdf) Apr 12, 06
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06-250 O. Diaz-Espinosa, R. de la Llave
{Renormalization of weak noises of arbitrary shape for one--dimensional critical dynamical systems: Announcement of results and numerical explorations (1107K, pdf) Sep 5, 06
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07-18 J. Behrndt, H. Neidhardt, E.R. Racec, P.N. Racec, U. Wulf
On Eisenbud's and Wigner's R-matrix: A general approach (449K, pdf) Jan 19, 07
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07-196 Valerio Lucarini
From symmetry break to Poisson point process in 2D Voronoi tessellations: the generic nature of hexagons (576K, pdf) Aug 16, 07
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09-40 G. Braeunlich, G.M. Graf, G. Ortelli
Equivalence of topological and scattering approaches to quantum pumping (55K, LaTeX) Feb 26, 09
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09-73 Narcisa Apreutesei, Nicholas Bessonov, Vitaly Volpert, Vitali Vougalter
Spatial structures and generalized travelling waves for an integro-differential equation (525K, pdf) May 11, 09
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10-35 Thierry Gallay, Yasunori Maekawa
Three-dimensional stability of Burgers vortices (428K, PDF) Feb 12, 10
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10-45 Robert Stadler and Gerald Teschl
Relative Oscillation Theory for Dirac Operators (45K, LaTeX2e) Mar 5, 10
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10-143 V. Bach, W. de Siqueira Pedra and S.~Lakaev
Bounds on the Discrete Spectrum of Lattice Schr{\"o}dinger Operators (415K, pdf) Sep 14, 10
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