Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 00-335".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
07-277 Thomas Chen, Itaru Sasaki
Boltzmann limit and quasifreeness for a homogenous Fermi gas in a weakly disordered random medium (402K, AMS Latex, 26 pages, 2 figures.) Nov 15, 07
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07-314 Jean Dolbeault, Maria J. Esteban, Michael Loss
Characterization of the critical magnetic field in the Dirac-Coulomb equation (8961K, Postscript) Dec 23, 07
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

08-81 Laszlo Erdos, Benjamin Schlein
Quantum Dynamics with Mean Field Interactions: a New Approach (44K, LateX) Apr 23, 08
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

09-120 Antti Knowles and Peter Pickl
Mean-Field Dynamics: Singular Potentials and Rate of Convergence (594K, Postscript) Jul 24, 09
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10-76 E. Fontich, R. de la Llave, P.Martin
Dynamical systems on lattices with decaying interaction I: A functional analysis framework. (549K, PDF) May 21, 10
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10-84 Claudio Cacciapuoti, Raffaele Carlone, and Rodolfo Figari
Perturbations of eigenvalues embedded at threshold: one, two and three dimensional solvable models (75K, pdfLatex) Jun 7, 10
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10-200 Tepper L. Gill and Woodford W. Zachary
Feynman Operator Calculus: The Constructive Theory (196K, laTeX) Dec 20, 10
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11-131 Raffaella Servadei, Enrico Valdinoci
Variational methods for non-local operators of elliptic type (381K, pdf) Sep 14, 11
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12-17 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Testing fundamental principles with high-energy cosmic rays (185K, PDF) Feb 7, 12
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12-18 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Pre-Big Bang, vacuum and noncyclic cosmologies (180K, PDF) Feb 7, 12
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12-102 Xifeng Su and Yuanhong Wei
Multiplicity of solutions for non-local elliptic equations driven by fractional Laplacian (300K, pdf) Sep 21, 12
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12-108 Raffaella Servadei
Infinitely many solutions for fractional Laplace equations with subcritical nonlinearity (76K, LaTeX) Oct 4, 12
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12-136 Reza Rahemi
Higher intensity interactions of light with quantum systems in non-relativistic quantum mechanics (126K, PDF) Nov 9, 12
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13-51 A. Lastra, S. Malek, C. Stenger
On complex singularity analysis for some linear partial differential equations in C^3 (558K, pdf) Jun 6, 13
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13-52 S. Malek
On singularly perturbed small step size difference-differential nonlinear PDEs (593K, pdf) Jun 6, 13
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14-61 Massimiliano Berti, Philippe Bolle
A Nash-Moser approach to KAM theory (398K, PDF) Jul 28, 14
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15-12 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Tests and prospects of new physics at very high energy (286K, PDF) Feb 7, 15
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15-86 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Quantum Mechanics and the Spinorial Space-Time (241K, PDF) Aug 25, 15
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15-92 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Quantum Mechanics, space-time, preons and entanglement (220K, PDF) Sep 6, 15
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17-3 Wolfgang Orthuber
Geometrical appearance of circumference as statistical consequence (271K, pdf) Jan 5, 17
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17-71 N. J. B. Aza, J.-B. Bru, W. de Siqueira Pedra
Decay of Complex-time Determinantal Correlation Functionals in Lattices (130K, pdf) May 26, 17
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18-80 Michael K.-H. Kiessling
Do particles and anti-particles really annihilate each other? (543K, pdf) Jul 14, 18
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18-120 Damon Wai Kwan So
Non-deterministic Quantum Mechanics and Particle Spin (5087K, pdf) Dec 24, 18
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20-58 R. Calleja, A. Celletti, R. de la Llave
KAM theory for some dissipative systems (8017K, PDF/A) Aug 3, 20
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20-107 Vaibhav Kalvakota
An Analysis of Gravitational waves (857K, LaTeX PDF) Dec 23, 20
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22-3 Aubrey Truman, Richard Durran, Andrew Neate
On Newtonian Quantum Gravity for Stationary States of WIMPs and Celestial Mechanics (1695K, PDF) Jan 10, 22
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22-48 Christian Corda
Black hole spectra from Vaz's quantum gravitational collapse (287K, PDF) Sep 11, 22
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91-75 Duffield N.G., Werner R.F.
Local dynamics of mean-field quantum systems (126K, Plain TeX) Dec 4, 91
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92-4 Avron J.E., Nemorovsky J
Quasienergies, Stark Hamiltonians and Growth of Energy for Driven Quantum Rings (20K, TeX) Jan 31, 92
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93-24 David C.Brydges Notes with the collaboration of R.Fernandez
Functional Integrals and their Applications (Notes for a course for the ``Troisieme Cycle de la Physique en Suisse Romande'' given in Lausanne, Switzerland, during the summer of 1992) (683K, Postscript) Feb 4, 93
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93-37 Derrida B., Janowsky S.A., Lebowitz J.L., Speer E.R.
Microscopic Shock Profiles: Exact Solution of a Nonequilibrium System (24K, LaTeX) Feb 22, 93
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