11-182 Renato Calleja, Jordi-Llu s Figueras
Collision of invariant bundles of quasi-periodic attractors in the dissipative standard map (1789K, pdf) Nov 23, 11
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Abstract. We perform a numerical study of the breakdown of hyperbolicity of quasi-periodic attractors in the dissipative standard map. In this study, we compute the quasi- periodic attractors together with their stable and tangent bundles. We observe that the loss of normal hyperbolicity comes from the collision of the stable and tangent bundles of the quasi-periodic attractor. We provide numerical evidence that, close to the breakdown, the angle between the invariant bundles has a linear behavior with respect to the perturbing parameter. This linear behavior agrees with the universal asymptotics of the general framework of breakdown of hyperbolic quasi-periodic tori in skew product systems.

Files: 11-182.src( 11-182.keywords , HypBkdown.pdf.mm )