07-294 Arvind Ayyer, Carlangelo Liverani, Mikko Stenlund
Quenched CLT for random toral automorphism (459K, PDF) Nov 23, 07
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Abstract. We establish a quenched Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for a smooth observable of random sequences of iterated linear hyperbolic maps on the torus. To this end we also obtain an annealed CLT for the same system. We show that, almost surely, the variance of the quenched system is the same as for the annealed system. Our technique is the study of the transfer operator on an anisotropic Banach space specifically tailored to use the cone condition satisfied by the maps.

Files: 07-294.src( 07-294.comments , 07-294.keywords , q_clt5.pdf.mm )