05-407 Wen Chen
Fractional and fractal derivatives modeling of turbulence (123K, PDF) Nov 30, 05
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Abstract. This study makes the first attempt to use the 2/3-order fractional Laplacian modeling of enhanced diffusing movements of random turbulent particle resulting from nonlinear inertial interactions. A combined effect of the inertial interactions and the molecule Brownian diffusivities is found to be the bi-fractal mechanism behind multifractal scaling in the inertial range of scales of moderate Reynolds number turbulence. Accordingly, a stochastic equation is proposed to describe turbulence intermittency. The 2/3-order fractional Laplacian representation is also used to construct a fractional Reynolds equation for nonlinear interactions of fluctuating velocity components, underlying turbulence spacetime fractal structures of L vy 2/3 stable distribution. The new perspective of this study is that the fractional calculus is an effective approach modeling of chaotic fractal phenomena induced by nonlinear interactions.

Files: 05-407.src( 05-407.comments , 05-407.keywords , FL_Turbulence2.pdf.mm )