- 05-207 W. Aschbacher, V. Jaksic, Y. Pautrat, C.-A. Pillet
- topics in non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics
(695K, postscript)
Jun 11, 05
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Abstract. These notes are an expanded and revised version of the lectures given
by the second and fourth autor in the summer school "Open
Quantum System" held in Grenoble, June 16-July 4, 2003.
They provide an introduction to recent developments in
non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of open quantum
systems, including a completely worked out (simple) example.
We discuss non-equilibrium steady states (NESS) and their
structural properties, entropy production, linear response
theory and weak coupling limit. The emphasis is on Ruelle's
scattering approach to the construction of NESS.
- Files:
05-207.keywords ,
QSM-intro.ps )