01-399 W. Chen
Analytical solution of transient scalar wave and diffusion problems of arbitrary dimensionality and geometry by RBF wavelet series (369K, Acrobat PDF) Oct 28, 01
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Abstract. This study applies the RBF wavelet series to the evaluation of analytical solutions of linear time-dependent wave and diffusion problems of any dimensionality and geometry. To the best of the author s knowledge, such analytical solutions have never been achieved before. The RBF wavelets can be understood an alternative for multidimensional problems to the standard Fourier series via fundamental and general solutions of partial differential equation. The present RBF wavelets are infinitely differential, compactly supported, orthogonal over different scales and very simple. The rigorous mathematical proof of completeness and convergence is still missing in this study. The present work may open a new window to numerical solution and theoretical analysis of many other high-dimensional time-dependent PDE problems under arbitrary geometry.

Files: 01-399.src( 01-399.comments , 01-399.keywords , RWPDE.pdf.mm )