Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 08-158".
Page 2. Papers 33 - 64 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
94-245 Robert S. Maier and Daniel L. Stein
Asymptotic Exit Location Distributions in the Stochastic Exit Problem (606K, Postscript [72 pages]) Jul 27, 94
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

94-333 Gallavotti Giovanni
Topics on chaotic dynamics (138K, TeX) Oct 27, 94
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

95-254 Eyink, G. L.
Turbulence Noise (156K, LaTex) Jun 6, 95
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-359 Timo Weidl
Remarks on Virtual Bound States for Semi-bounded Operators (322K, Postscript) Aug 11, 96
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-499 David Ruelle
Differentiation of SRB states (43K, TeX) Oct 21, 96
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97-379 David RUELLE.
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics near equilibrium; computing higher order terms. (41K, TeX) Jun 27, 97
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

97-538 S. A. Fulling
Some Properties of Riesz Means and Spectral Expansions (104K, REVTeX) Oct 7, 97
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99-81 Ulrich Mutze
Predicting Classical Motion Directly from the Action Principle (305K, Postscript) Mar 19, 99
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99-396 W. Chen
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

00-386 Daniele Guido, Roberto Longo
Natural Energy Bounds in Quantum Thermodynamics (78K, LaTeX 2e) Oct 2, 00
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01-105 Sergio Albeverio, Yuri Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky, and Michael Roeckner
Euclidean Gibbs States of Quantum Lattice Systems (211K, AMS-LATEX) Mar 19, 01
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01-137 Xiao-Biao Lin, Ignacio B. Vivancos
Heteroclinic and periodic cycles in a perturbed convection model (1675K, PS) Apr 6, 01
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01-299 Miklos Redei and Stephen J. Summers
Local Primitive Causality and the Common Cause Principle in Quantum Field Theory (51K, Latex) Aug 12, 01
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01-474 Heinz Hanßmann, Jan-Cees van der Meer
On the Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcations in the 3D Hénon-Heiles family (190K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Dec 17, 01
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03-304 Paolo Butta', Emanuele Caglioti, Carlo Marchioro
On the violation of Ohm's law for bounded interactions (384K, PostScript file) Jun 25, 03
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04-109 S. Boenisch and V. Heuveline and P. Wittwer
Second order adaptive boundary conditions for exterior flow problems: non-symmetric stationary flows in two dimensions (825K, pdf) Apr 14, 04
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05-193 R. van Zon, E. G. D. Cohen
Theorem on the Distribution of Short-Time Single Particle Displacements with Physical Applications (97K, Latex 2e + 1 figure) May 30, 05
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05-215 V. Jaksic, Y. Ogata, C.-A. Pillet
The Green-Kubo formula and the Onsager reciprocity relations in quantum statistical mechanics (205K, pdf) Jun 15, 05
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06-59 A.N.Gorban
Basic Types of Coarse-Graining II (915K, PDF) Mar 9, 06
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06-201 Michele V. Bartuccelli, Jonathan H.B. Deane, Guido Gentile
Bifurcation phenomena and attractive periodic solutions in the saturating inductor circuit (995K, pdf) Jul 13, 06
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06-334 R.A. Brownlee, A.N. Gorban and J. Levesley
Stability and stabilisation of the lattice Boltzmann method (2081K, PDF) Nov 16, 06
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10-128 Alice Mikikits-Leitner and Gerald Teschl
Long-Time Asymptotics of Perturbed Finite-Gap Korteweg-de Vries Solutions (132K, LaTeX2e) Aug 22, 10
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10-148 V. Jaksic, C.-A. Pillet, L. Rey-Bellet
Entropic Fluctuations in Statistical Mechanics I. Classical Dynamical Systems (809K, pdf) Sep 16, 10
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11-129 Jacques Fejoz, Marcel Guardia, Vadim Kaloshin, Pablo Roldan
Diffusion along mean motion resonance in the restricted planar three-body problem (2938K, Postscript) Sep 12, 11
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12-91 Wonsang You, Jörg Stadler
Fractal-driven distortion of resting state functional networks in fMRI: a simulation study (240K, pdf) Aug 9, 12
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13-46 V. Jaksic, C.-A. Pillet, M. Westrich
Entropic fluctuations of quantum dynamical semigroups (707K, pdf) May 19, 13
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15-10 Renato C. Calleja, Alessandra Celletti, Livia Corsi, Rafael de la Llave
Response solutions for quasi-periodically forced, dissipative wave equations (683K, pdf) Jan 23, 15
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20-104 Walter H. Aschbacher
Heat flux in general quasifree fermionic right mover/left mover systems (697K, Pdf) Dec 21, 20
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