Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 04-229".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
05-197 Domingos H. U. Marchetti, Walter F. Wreszinski, Leonardo F. Guidi, Renato M. Angelo
Off-Diagonal Jacobi Matrices as a Model for a Spectral Transition of Anderson Type (1319K, Postscript) May 31, 05
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08-23 P. Lafitte, P. E. Parris, S. De Bievre
Normal transport properties for a classical particle coupled to a non-Ohmic bath (586K, pdf) Feb 5, 08
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

08-51 V.Grinshpun
On existence of diffusion in multidimensional random media (132K, PDF) Mar 19, 08
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

08-130 C. G rard, A. Panati
Spectral and scattering theory for \\ space-cutoff $P(\varphi)_{2}$ models with variable metric (535K, pdf) Jun 26, 08
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12-158 Charles Radin and Lorenzo Sadun
A mean field analysis of the fluid/solid phase transition (211K, pdf) Dec 28, 12
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20-60 J.-B. Bru, W. de Siqueira Pedra, A. Ratsimanetrimanana
Quantum Fluctuations and Large Deviation Principle for Microscopic Currents of Free Fermions in Disordered Media (690K, pdf) Aug 3, 20
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93-154 F.Martinelli , E.Olivieri , R.H.Schonmann
For 2-D lattice spin systems Weak Mixing implies Strong Mixing (60K, plain TeX) May 28, 93
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94-152 Hattori T.
Asymptotically one-dimensional diffusions on scale-irregular gaskets. (94K, LaTeX Version 2.09 <3 Jan 1988>) May 31, 94
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94-381 Timo Seppalainen
Entropy, Limit Theorems and Variational Principles for Disordered Lattice Systems (140K, AMSTeX) Dec 2, 94
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95-168 Eyink, G. L., Lebowitz, J. L., Spohn, H.
Hydrodynamics and Fluctuations Outside of Local Equilibrium: Driven Diffusive Systems (224K, LaTex) Mar 28, 95
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95-240 C.M. Newman, D.L. Stein
Ground State Structure in a Highly Disordered Spin Glass Model (54K, LaTex) May 31, 95
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95-377 Anton Bovier, V\'eronique Gayrard
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

97-4 Rudnev M., Wiggins S.
Existence of exponentially small separatrix splitting and homoclinic connections between whiskered tori in weakly hyperbolic near-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Revised version. (305K, LaTeX) Jan 4, 97
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97-177 Jorba A., Villanueva J.
Numerical Computation of Normal Forms around some Periodic Orbits of the Restricted Three Body Problem (1366K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Apr 7, 97
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97-385 Erdos L.
Lifschitz tail in a magnetic field: the nonclassical regime (829K, .ps file) Jul 1, 97
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97-519 E. Carlen, R. Esposito, J. L. Lebowitz, R. Marra, A. Rokhlenko
Kinetics of a Model Weakly Ionized Plasma in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria (67K, TeX) Sep 24, 97
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97-621 Erdos L.
Lifschitz tail in a magnetic field: the nonclassical regime (improved version) (879K, .ps file) Dec 10, 97
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98-346 H.J. Borchers, J. Yngvason
Modular groups of Quantum Fields in Thermal States (52K, Tex, figures in Postscript) May 15, 98
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98-732 Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave
KAM theory and a partial justification of Greene's criterion for non-twist maps (133K, Plain TeX) Nov 26, 98
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Kinetical theory beyond conventional approximations and 1/f-noise (123K, LaTex) Feb 28, 99
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99-72 Pavel Bleher, Bernard Shiffman, Steve Zelditch
Poincare-Lelong approach to universality and scaling of correlations between zeros (41K, Latex 2e) Mar 5, 99
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99-99 Michael Aizenman, Almut Burchard, Charles M. Newman, David B. Wilson
Scaling Limits for Minimal and Random Spanning Trees in Two Dimensions (209K, LaTeX, 54 pages, 6 figures in EPSF.) Apr 4, 99
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99-196 Vojkan Jaksic and Stanislav Molchanov
Localization of Surface Spectra (638K, postscript) May 27, 99
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99-250 De Bi\`evre S., Germinet F.
Dynamical Localization for the Random Dimer Model (36K, Latex) Jul 1, 99
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99-254 Jean-Marie Barbaroux, Werner Fischer, Peter M\"uller
Dynamical properties of random Schr\"odinger operators (335K, Postscript) Jul 1, 99
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99-380 M.Biskup, L.Chayes, R. Kotecky'
On the Continuity of the Magnetization and the Energy Density for Potts Models on Two-dimensional Graphs (41K, AMS-TeX) Oct 9, 99
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99-454 Jinqiao Duan, Peter E. Kloeden and Bjorn Schmalfuss
Exponential Stability of the Quasigeostrophic Equation under Random Perturbations (214K, ps file) Nov 30, 99
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00-102 Pietro Caputo and Jean-Dominique Deuschel
Critical large deviations in harmonic crystals with long range interactions (388K, gzipped postscript file) Mar 7, 00
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00-109 M. Bramson ( and J. L. Lebowitz, (
Spatial Structure in Low Dimensions for Diffusion Limited Two-Particle Reactions (1306K, ps file) Mar 13, 00
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00-178 Marek Biskup and Wolfgang Koenig
Long-time tails in the parabolic Anderson model with bounded potential (561K, Postscript) Apr 12, 00
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