Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 03-168".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
04-229 A. Faggionato, H. Schulz-Baldes, D. Spehner
Mott law as lower bound for a random walk in a random environment (724K, ps-file) Jul 26, 04
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05-220 Jean Dolbeault, Patricio Felmer, Michael Loss, Eric Paturel
Lieb-Thirring type inequalities and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities for systems (82K, LaTeX 2e ) Jun 20, 05
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05-405 Viorel Iftimie, Marius M\u antoiu and Radu Purice
Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators (628K, Latex) Nov 29, 05
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

06-232 V.Grinshpun
Pure Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Random Operators on l^2(Z^d) at Low Disorder (2054K, PDF) Aug 26, 06
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07-224 M. A. Astaburuaga, Ph. Briet, V. Bruneau, C. Fernandez, G. Raikov
Dynamical resonances and SSF singularities for a magnetic Schroedinger operator (427K, pdf) Oct 1, 07
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08-31 Christian HAINZL, Mathieu LEWIN and Eric SERE
Existence of Atoms and Molecules in the Mean-Field Approximation of No-Photon Quantum Electrodynamics (594K, pdf) Feb 19, 08
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08-103 Anton Bovier, Frank den Hollander, Cristian Spitoni
Homogeneous nucleation for Glauber and Kawasaki dynamics in large volumes at low temperatures (965K, PS) Jun 4, 08
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09-60 Riccardo Adami, Diego Noja
Existence of dynamics for a 1-d NLS equation perturbed with a generalized point defect. (101K, LATeX 2e) Apr 7, 09
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09-120 Antti Knowles and Peter Pickl
Mean-Field Dynamics: Singular Potentials and Rate of Convergence (594K, Postscript) Jul 24, 09
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09-201 Jakob Wachsmuth, Stefan Teufel
Effective Hamiltonians for Constrained Quantum Systems (806K, 596K, pdf) Nov 9, 09
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11-48 Alexander Elgart, Martin Tautenhahn, Ivan Veselic'
Anderson localization for a class of models with a sign-indefinite single-site potential via fractional moment method (558K, PDF) Mar 14, 11
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20-54 Messoud Efendiev, Vitali Vougalter
Solvability in the sense of sequences for some fourth order non-Fredholm operators (209K, pdf) Jul 10, 20
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20-96 Pavel Exner and Vladimir Lotoreichik
Optimization of the lowest eigenvalue of a soft quantum ring (621K, pdf) Nov 4, 20
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21-36 Michael Ibison
Electromagnetic Foundation of Dirac Theory (144K, AMS-Tex) Jul 9, 21
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21-48 Aubrey Truman, Richard Durran, Andrew Neate
On Newtonian Quantum Gravity for Stationary States of WIMPs (1662K, PDF) Sep 3, 21
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21-54 Vitali Vougalter
Solvability in the sense of sequences for some non-Fredholm operators related to the double scale anomalous diffusion (210K, pdf) Oct 16, 21
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95-148 Alexander MOROZ
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96-194 Gregory L. Eyink and Jack Xin
Existence and Uniqueness of $L^2$-Solutions at Zero-Diffusivity in the Kraichnan Model of a Passive Scalar (95K, LaTeX) May 15, 96
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96-317 D. Noja, A. Posilicano
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97-176 D. Noja, A. Posilicano
On the Point Limit of the Pauli-Fierz Model (282K, postscript) Apr 7, 97
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97-245 Werner Fischer, Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Mueller
Existence of the density of states for multi-dimensional continuum Schroedinger operators with Gaussian random potentials (60K, uuencoded gzipped postscript) Apr 28, 97
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97-515 E.H. Lieb, H. Siedentop, J.P. Solovej
Stability of Relativistic Matter With Magnetic Fields (18K, LaTeX (ReVTeX format)) Sep 21, 97
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97-519 E. Carlen, R. Esposito, J. L. Lebowitz, R. Marra, A. Rokhlenko
Kinetics of a Model Weakly Ionized Plasma in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria (67K, TeX) Sep 24, 97
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99-124 Pavel Exner and David Krejcirik
Quantum waveguides with a lateral semitransparent barrier: spectral and scattering properties (1304K, LaTeX 2e) Apr 22, 99
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99-243 H.D. Cornean
On the magnetisation of a charged Bose gas in the canonical ensemble (237K, Postscript) Jun 25, 99
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00-144 Jacob Schach Moeller
The low-temperature limit of transfer operators in fixed dimension (76K, amstex) Apr 3, 00
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00-169 Michael Aizenman, Jeffrey H. Schenker, Roland M. Friedrich, Dirk Hundertmark
Finite-Volume Fractional-Moment Criteria for Anderson Localization (136K, LaTeX, 46 pages, one figure (epsf). ) Apr 6, 00
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00-203 Elliott H. Lieb, Robert Seiringer, Jakob Yngvason
A Rigorous Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Energy Functional for a Two-dimensional Bose Gas (41K, latex 2e) May 1, 00
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00-254 Robert Seiringer
On the maximal ionization of atoms in strong magnetic fields (18K, LaTeX2e) Jun 5, 00
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00-313 Marcel Griesemer, Elliott H. Lieb, Michael Loss
Ground States in Non-relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics (84K, LaTeX 2e) Aug 13, 00
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