Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 02-116".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
00-69 Michael Christ, Alexander Kiselev
WKB Asymptotics of Generalized Eigenfunctions of One-Dimensional Schr\"odinger Operators (51K, LaTeX) Feb 10, 00
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00-404 David Damanik, Robert Sims and G\"unter Stolz
Localization for One Dimensional, Continuum, Bernoulli-Anderson Models (118K, LaTeX) Oct 13, 00
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01-222 Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Mueller, Simone Warzel
The Absolute Continuity of the Integrated Density of States for Magnetic Schr{\"o}dinger Operators with Certain Unbounded Random Potentials (282K, Postscript) Jun 21, 01
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01-234 Denis Krutikov, Christian Remling
Schr\"odinger operators with sparse potentials: asymptotics of the Fourier transform of the spectral measure (64K, LaTeX) Jun 29, 01
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01-335 G\"unter Stolz
Strategies in Localization Proofs for One-Dimensional Random Schr\"odinger Operators (386K, Postscript) Sep 24, 01
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01-379 M. Christ and A. Kiselev
Scattering and wave operators for one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with slowly decaying nonsmooth potentials (150K, LaTeX) Oct 16, 01
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02-356 David Damanik, Dirk Hundertmark, Barry Simon
Bound States and the Szeg\H{o} Condition for Jacobi Matrices and Schr\"odinger Operators (59K, LaTeX) Aug 25, 02
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02-512 Jean-Marc Bouclet
Spectral distributions for long range perturbations (458K, Postscript) Dec 10, 02
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03-77 David Damanik, Rowan Killip
Half-line Schrodinger Operators With No Bound States (102K, AMS-LaTeX) Feb 28, 03
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03-316 Fritz Gesztesy and Barry Simon
Connectedness of the Isospectral Manifold for One-Dimensional Half-Line Schr\"odinger Operators (15K, LaTeX) Jul 1, 03
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04-199 Marco Lenci, Luc Rey-Bellet
Large deviations in quantum lattice systems: one-phase region (77K, LaTeX 2e) Jun 25, 04
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04-217 Johannes Kellendonk, Ioannis P Zois
Rotation Numbers, Boundary Forces and Gap Labelling (202K, pdf-file) Jul 16, 04
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04-423 Dirk Hundertmark, Rowan Killip, Shu Nakamura, Peter Stollmann, and Ivan Veselic'
Bounds on the spectral shift function and the density of states (370K, PDF ) Dec 22, 04
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05-63 George A. Hagedorn, Julio H. Toloza
Exponentially Accurate Quasimodes for the Time--Independent Born--Oppenheimer Approximation on a One--Dimensional Molecular System (67K, LaTeX 2e) Feb 10, 05
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05-108 Joaquim Puig
A Nonperturbative Eliasson's Reducibility Theorem (345K, pdf) Mar 17, 05
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05-181 Cesar R. de Oliveira (UFSCar), Roberto A. Prado (UFSCar)
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

05-353 Jackson Chan
Methods of variations of potential of quasi-periodic Schrodinger equation (424K, dvi) Oct 4, 05
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07-9 Cesar R. de Oliveira, Roberto A. Prado
Quantum Hamiltonians with Quasi-Ballistic Dynamics and Point Spectrum (348K, pdf) Jan 8, 07
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07-191 Roberto A. Prado, Cesar R. de Oliveira
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

09-100 Ivan Veselic'
Wegner estimate for discrete alloy-type models (252K, pdf) Jun 26, 09
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12-118 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov (Universidad de Zacatecas)
How to construct self/anti-self charge conjugate states for higher spins? (164K, PDF) Oct 7, 12
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16-8 Rupert L. Frank, Ari Laptev and Oleg Safronov
On the number of eigenvalues of Schr\"odinger operators with complex potentials (459K, pdf) Jan 20, 16
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20-1 Namig J. Guliyev
Inverse square singularities and eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions are two sides of the same coin (559K, pdf) Jan 1, 20
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20-95 Sasa Kocic
Singular continuous phase for Schroedinger operators over circle diffeomorphisms with a singularity (647K, pdf) Oct 31, 20
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22-84 Sasa Kocic
Singular continuous phase for Schroedinger operators over circle maps with breaks (528K, pdf) Dec 29, 22
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92-92 Chierchia L., Gallavotti G.
Drift and diffusion in phase space (365K, Plain TeX) Jul 24, 92
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93-313 Martinelli F.
On the Two Dimensional Dynamical Ising Model In the Phase Coexistence Region (164K, plain TeX) Nov 25, 93
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94-33 G.Gentile
A proof of existence of whiskered tori with quasi flat homoclinic intersections in a class of almost integrable hamiltonian systems (149K, Plain Tex) Feb 10, 94
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94-59 Cordoba A., Fefferman C., Seco L. A.
A Trigonometric Sum Relevant to the Non--relativistic Theory of Atoms. (116K, Postscript.) Mar 8, 94
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