Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 98-703".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
97-248 Guiol H.
A note about a Burton Keane's theorem. (13K, LaTeX) Apr 29, 97
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97-435 B. Derrida, J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer
Shock Profiles for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process in One Dimension (94K, LaTeX) Aug 7, 97
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97-519 E. Carlen, R. Esposito, J. L. Lebowitz, R. Marra, A. Rokhlenko
Kinetics of a Model Weakly Ionized Plasma in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria (67K, TeX) Sep 24, 97
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98-3 Dario Bambusi, Universita' di Milano, Italy. (, Sandro Graffi, Universita' di Bologna, Italy. (, Thierry Paul, Universite' de Paris-IX, (France), (
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98-249 Faria da Veiga P.A., O'Carroll M., Schor R.
A Classical Large $N$ Hierarchical Vector Model in Three Dimensions: A Nonzero Fixed Point and Canonical Decay of Correlation Functions (63K, LATeX 2e) Apr 1, 98
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98-271 Avanzini F., Bambusi D.
Stability properties in Hamiltonian perturbations of resonant PDE's with symmetry: the case of NLS (446K, PS) Apr 14, 98
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98-275 David Ruelle
General linear response formula in statistical mechanics, and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. (17K, Plain TeX) Apr 18, 98
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98-588 F. G\"ohmann, A.R. Its, V.E. Korepin
Correlations in the impenetrable electron gas (39K, Latex) Sep 3, 98
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98-632 Stephen Bigelis, Emilio N.M. Cirillo, Joel L. Lebowitz, Eugene R. Speer
Critical droplets in Metastable States of Probabilistic Cellular Automata (53K, LATeX) Oct 7, 98
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98-697 F. Klopp and L. Pastur
Lifshitz tails for random Schr{\"o}dinger operators with negative singular Poisson potential (510K, Gzipped Postscript) Nov 4, 98
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98-740 Raphael Cerf, Emilio N.M. Cirillo
Finite size scaling in three-dimensional bootstrap percolation (42K, LaTeX file) Dec 4, 98
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98-756 Th. Gallay and G. Raugel (Paris XI)
Scaling Variables and Stability of Hyperbolic Fronts (166K, Postscript (gzip-compressed and uuencoded)) Dec 18, 98
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98-768 Kuelske C.
Stability for a continuous SOS-interface model in a randomly perturbed periodic potential (284K, PS) Dec 22, 98
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99-59 Andrew Lesniewski, Mary Beth Ruskai
Monotone Riemannian Metrics and Relative Entropy on Non-Commutative Probability Spaces (80K, latex) Feb 21, 99
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99-92 R. Carretero-Gonz\'alez, D.K. Arrowsmith, F. Vivaldi
One-dimensional dynamics for travelling fronts in coupled map lattices (538K, zipped RevTeX with 12 Postscript figures) Mar 31, 99
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99-99 Michael Aizenman, Almut Burchard, Charles M. Newman, David B. Wilson
Scaling Limits for Minimal and Random Spanning Trees in Two Dimensions (209K, LaTeX, 54 pages, 6 figures in EPSF.) Apr 4, 99
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99-140 Hans-Otto Georgii, Olle Haggstrom, Christian Maes
The random geometry of equilibrium phases (1496K, Postscript) May 5, 99
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99-164 Kresimir Josic, C. Eugene Wayne
Dynamics of a Ring of Diffusively Coupled Lorenz Oscillators (5634K, postscript) May 11, 99
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99-222 Mirko Degli Esposti, Gianluigi Del Magno and Marco Lenci
Escape orbits and Ergodicity in Infinite Step Billiards (823K, Postscript) Jun 9, 99
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99-230 Joel L. Lebowitz, Marco Lenci and Herbert Spohn
Large deviations for ideal quantum systems (68K, LaTeX 2e) Jun 16, 99
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99-422 Fernando J. Sanchez-Salas
Horseshoes with infinitely many branches and a characterization of Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen measures (798K, .ps .dvi) Nov 9, 99
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00-19 Alexander, K. S.
Cube-Root Boundary Fluctuations for Droplets in Random Cluster Models (199K, AMS-LATeX 1.2) Jan 13, 00
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00-63 Elliott H. Lieb, Jakob Yngvason
The Ground State Energy of a Dilute Two-dimensional Bose Gas (43K, Latex) Feb 6, 00
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An analytical estimate of stochasticity thresholds in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and $\phi^4$ models. (327K, PostScript) Mar 29, 00
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00-219 Alan D. Sokal
A personal list of unsolved problems concerning Potts models and lattice gases (62K, LaTex2e) May 10, 00
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00-248 Pavel Exner, David Krejcirik
Waveguides coupled through a semitransparent barrier: a Birman-Schwinger analysis (92K, LaTeX) May 30, 00
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00-353 L.R.G. Fontes, M. Isopi, C.M. Newman
Random walks with strongly inhomogeneous rates and singular diffusions: convergence, localization and aging in one dimension (77K, LaTeX 2e) Sep 9, 00
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00-361 Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Martin Hairer
Uniqueness of the Invariant Measure for a Stochastic PDE Driven by Degenerate Noise (439K, postscript) Sep 15, 00
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01-10 Xavier Bressaud, Roland Zweimuller
Non exponential law of entrance times in asymptotically rare events for intermittent maps with infinite invariant measure (225K, Postscript) Jan 9, 01
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01-63 F. Gesztesy, A. Kiselev, and K. A. Makarov
Uniqueness Results for Matrix-Valued Schr\"odinger, Jacobi, and Dirac-Type Operators (136K, LaTeX) Feb 6, 01
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