Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 23-82".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
13-51 A. Lastra, S. Malek, C. Stenger
On complex singularity analysis for some linear partial differential equations in C^3 (558K, pdf) Jun 6, 13
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

14-54 Vitaly Volpert, Vitali Vougalter
On the existence of stationary solutions for some nonlinear heat equations. (102K, pdf) Jul 11, 14
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

14-65 Zhang Binlin, Giovanni Molica Bisci and Raffaella Servadei
Superlinear nonlocal fractional problems with infinitely many solutions (514K, pdf) Aug 26, 14
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

15-8 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some integro-differential equations with superdiffusion (188K, pdf) Jan 22, 15
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

15-35 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some systems of integro-differential equations with superdiffusion (273K, pdf) Apr 11, 15
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

18-18 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Solvability of some integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion in two dimensions (148K, pdf) Feb 12, 18
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

18-30 Moitri Sen, Vitaly Volpert, Vitali Vougalter
Existence of waves for a reaction-diffusion-dispersion system (146K, pdf) Mar 3, 18
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18-116 Massimiliano Berti, Roberto Feola, Fabio Pusateri
Birkhoff normal form and long time existence for periodic gravity water waves. (1472K, PDF) Nov 17, 18
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19-43 Vitali Vougalter
Solvability of some integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion in higher dimensions (165K, pdf) Jun 25, 19
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20-86 Vitali Vougalter
Solvability of some integro-differential equations with concentrated sources (143K, pdf) Sep 21, 20
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23-50 Vitali Vougalter
On the solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations with the double scale anomalous diffusion in higher dimensions (204K, pdf) Aug 30, 23
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95-146 F. Gesztesy, R. Weikard
Picard Potentials and Hill's Equation on a Torus (93K, AMSLaTeX 1.1) Mar 14, 95
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95-322 Brenner A.
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

98-26 Th. Gallay (Paris XI) and A. Mielke (Hannover)
Diffusive Mixing of Stable States in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation (168K, Postscript (gzipped and uuencoded)) Jan 23, 98
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

98-153 Bambusi D.
Nekhoroshev theorem for small amplitude solutions in nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations (729K, PS) Mar 5, 98
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99-396 W. Chen
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

00-411 A. Jorba
Numerical computation of the normal behaviour of invariant curves of $n$-dimensional maps (500K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Oct 19, 00
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01-73 Jean Bricmont, Antti Kupiainen, Alain Schenkel
Renormalization Group and the Melnikov Problem for PDE's (128K, plain TeX) Feb 23, 01
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01-142 Michael Heid, Hans-Peter Heinz, Tobias Weth
Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Of Schrödinger Type Admitting Eigenfunctions With Given Spectral Characteristics (78K, LaTeX 2e) Apr 11, 01
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04-342 M. Berti, P. Bolle
Cantor families of periodic solutions for completely resonant nonlinear wave equations (264K, dvi ) Oct 29, 04
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05-395 Fritz Gesztesy, Yuri Latushkin, and Konstantin A. Makarov
Evans Functions, Jost Functions, and Fredholm Determinants (200K, LaTeX) Nov 15, 05
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06-232 V.Grinshpun
Pure Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Random Operators on l^2(Z^d) at Low Disorder (2054K, PDF) Aug 26, 06
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08-30 Fritz Gesztesy, Yuri Latushkin, and Kevin Zumbrun
Derivatives of (Modified) Fredholm Determinants and Stability of Standing and Traveling Waves (162K, LaTeX) Feb 16, 08
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08-77 Massimiliano Berti, Philippe Bolle
Sobolev periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations in higher spatial dimensions. (413K, PDF) Apr 14, 08
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11-15 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
On the existence of stationary solutions for some integro-differential equations (215K, pdf) Feb 4, 11
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11-58 Jianjun Liu, Xiaoping Yuan
A KAM Theorem for Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations with Unbounded Perturbations (447K, .pdf) Apr 13, 11
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

12-98 S. Malek
On complex singularity analysis for linear partial q-difference-differential equations using nonlinear differential equations (446K, pdf) Aug 27, 12
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

12-108 Raffaella Servadei
Infinitely many solutions for fractional Laplace equations with subcritical nonlinearity (76K, LaTeX) Oct 4, 12
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14-10 Nathalie Eymard, Vitaly Volpert, Vitali Vougalter
Existence of pulses for local and nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations (131K, pdf) Mar 8, 14
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14-72 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations (143K, pdf) Oct 9, 14
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

16-3 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Solvability of some integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion (306K, pdf) Jan 10, 16
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