Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 22-74".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
10-186 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Solvability conditions for some systems with non Fredholm operators (72K, pdf) Nov 22, 10
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14-10 Nathalie Eymard, Vitaly Volpert, Vitali Vougalter
Existence of pulses for local and nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations (131K, pdf) Mar 8, 14
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14-54 Vitaly Volpert, Vitali Vougalter
On the existence of stationary solutions for some nonlinear heat equations. (102K, pdf) Jul 11, 14
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

14-72 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations (143K, pdf) Oct 9, 14
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15-8 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some integro-differential equations with superdiffusion (188K, pdf) Jan 22, 15
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15-26 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some systems of integro-differential equations (124K, pdf) Mar 21, 15
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15-56 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Existence of stationary solutions for some integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion (147K, pdf) Jun 19, 15
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15-118 J.-B. Bru and W. de Siqueira Pedra
Lieb Robinson Bounds for Multi Commutators and Applications to Response Theory (507K, pdf) Dec 11, 15
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18-90 Vitali Vougalter
On the solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion (167K, pdf) Aug 26, 18
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20-86 Vitali Vougalter
Solvability of some integro-differential equations with concentrated sources (143K, pdf) Sep 21, 20
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22-41 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
On the solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations with concentrated sources (177K, pdf) Aug 4, 22
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22-45 Vitali Vougalter, Vitaly Volpert
Solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations in population dynamics depending on the natality and mortality rates (242K, pdf) Aug 20, 22
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23-50 Vitali Vougalter
On the solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations with the double scale anomalous diffusion in higher dimensions (204K, pdf) Aug 30, 23
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Second Order Hamiltonian Equations on ${\bf T}^\infty$ and Almost-Periodic Solutions (87K, Plain TeX) Feb 5, 93
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93-164 Gallavotti Giovanni
Twistless KAM tori, quasi flat homoclinic intersections, and other cancellations in the perturbation series of certain completely integrable hamiltonian systems. A review. (217K, TeX) Jun 6, 93
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94-339 Bruno Nachtergaele
The spectral gap for some spin chains with discrete symmetry breaking (150K, Plain TeX) Oct 29, 94
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95-270 del Rio R., Jitomirskaya S., Last Y., Simon B.
Operators with singular continuous spectrum, IV. Hausdorff dimensions, rank one perturbations, and localization (112K, AMSTeX) Jun 14, 95
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96-32 Eckmann J.-P., Pillet C.-A.
Zeta functions with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for exterior domains (289K, Postscript) Feb 3, 96
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96-357 Rothos V.M.
Study of a System of Coupled NLS Equations Under Periodic Boundary Conditions (30K, LaTeX) Aug 10, 96
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98-233 Eckmann J.-P., Pillet C.-A., Rey-Bellet L.
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Anharmonic Chains Coupled to Two Heat Baths at Different Temperatures (419K, postscript) Mar 27, 98
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98-521 Deuschel J.-D., Velenik Y.
Non-Gaussian Surface Pinned by a Weak Potential (40K, LATeX 2e, 2 PS figures, uuencoded tar-gzipped) Jul 22, 98
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98-621 Fritz Gesztesy and Barry Simon
A new approach to inverse spectral theory, II. General real potentials and the connection to the spectral measure (124K, LaTeX) Sep 29, 98
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00-221 Sergej A. Chorosavin ( )
A Nonlinear Approximation of Operator Equation $V^{*}QV=Q$ : Nonspectral Decomposition of Nonnormal Operator and Theory of Stability (38K, LaTeX 2.09, uuencoded) May 11, 00
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00-411 A. Jorba
Numerical computation of the normal behaviour of invariant curves of $n$-dimensional maps (500K, PostScript, gzipped and uuencoded) Oct 19, 00
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01-142 Michael Heid, Hans-Peter Heinz, Tobias Weth
Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Of Schrödinger Type Admitting Eigenfunctions With Given Spectral Characteristics (78K, LaTeX 2e) Apr 11, 01
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01-165 Plamen Stefanov
Sharp upper bounds on the number of resonances near the real axis for trapped systems (548K, Postscript) May 3, 01
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02-126 R. de la Madrid, A. Bohm, M. Gadella
Rigged Hilbert Space Treatment of Continuous Spectrum (101K, LATEX) Mar 16, 02
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02-351 David Damanik and Luca Q. Zamboni
Arnoux-Rauzy Subshifts: Linear Recurrence, Powers, and Palindromes (54K, LaTeX) Aug 19, 02
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02-445 Radu C. Cascaval, Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden, and Yuri Latushkin
Spectral Analysis of Darboux Transformations for the Focusing NLS Hierarchy (159K, LaTeX) Oct 31, 02
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03-309 Rupert L. Frank
On the spectral analysis and scattering theory of the Laplacian on the halfplane with a periodic perturbation on the boundary (609K, Postscript) Jun 27, 03
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04-29 Piotr Garbaczewski and Witold Karwowski
Impenetrable Barriers and Canonical Quantization (64K, Revtex4, Latex) Feb 7, 04
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