Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 21-26".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
03-244 John Z. Imbrie
Dimensional Reduction and Crossover to Mean-Field Behavior for Branched Polymers (316K, pdf) May 28, 03
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

03-277 Pierluigi Contucci, Sandro Graffi
Convex Replica Simmetry Breaking from Positivity and Thermodynamic Limit (16K, latex) Jun 12, 03
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04-35 Marzio Cassandro, Enza Orlandi, Pierre Picco, and Maria Eulalia Vares
One-dimensional random field Kac's model:localization of the phases. (961K, postscript) Feb 11, 04
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

04-51 Charles Radin
Existence of ground state configurations (193K, postscript) Feb 27, 04
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04-81 Charles Holton and Charles Radin
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

04-175 A. Bovier (WIAS), F. den Hollander (EURANDOM), F. Nardi (Roma 1)
Sharp asymptotics for Kawasaki dynamics on a finite box with open boundary (1011K, PS) Jun 3, 04
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04-181 M. Hairer, J. C. Mattingly
Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with Degenerate Stochastic Forcing (327K, PDF) Jun 8, 04
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04-214 M.Baro, H.Neidhardt, J.Rehberg
Current Coupling of Drift-Diffusion Models and Dissipative Schr dinger-Poisson Systems: Dissipative Hybrid Models (804K, pdf) Jul 15, 04
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05-183 Jo\"el De Coninck, Fran\c cois Dunlop, Thierry Huillet
A necklace of Wulff shapes (353K, pdf) May 20, 05
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05-258 A.N. Gorban, I.V. Karlin
Quasi-Equilibrium Closure Hierarchies for the Boltzmann Equation (576K, pdf) Jul 28, 05
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05-278 Lewis Bowen, Russell Lyons, Charles Radin and Peter Winkler
Fluid/solid transition in a hard-core system (264K, postscript) Aug 17, 05
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05-388 Richard Froese, David Hasler, Wolfgang Spitzer
Absolutely continuous spectrum for the Anderson model on a tree: a geometric proof of Klein's theorem (211K, pdf) Nov 13, 05
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06-311 Stefanella Boatto
Curvature Perturbations and Stability of a Ring of Vortices (732K, pdf) Nov 1, 06
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

06-343 Enza Orlandi and Pierre Picco
One-dimensional random field Kac's model: weak large deviations principle (687K, PDF) Nov 23, 06
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07-48 Peter D. Hislop, Eric Soccorsi
Edge Currents for Quantum Hall Systems, I. One-Edge, Unbounded Geometries (159K, Latex 2e) Feb 27, 07
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07-92 Kiro Miyazaki
Liquid-gas phase transition in the canonical ensemble of asymmetric nuclear matter (240K, PDF) Apr 18, 07
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07-185 Kiro Miyazaki
Liquid-gas phase transition in canonical and micro-canonical ensembles of strange hadronic matter (343K, PDF) Jul 26, 07
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07-213 Thomas Chen, Juerg Froehlich, Alessandro Pizzo
Infraparticle Scattering States in Non-Relativistic QED: II. Mass Shell Properties (594K, AMS Latex) Sep 18, 07
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07-244 Dmitry Ioffe and Yvan Velenik
Ballistic Phase of Self-Interacting Random Walks (121K, latex2e) Oct 17, 07
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07-252 Ulrich Mutze
Polyspherical grains and their dynamics (1820K, PDF) Oct 27, 07
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08-20 M. Griesemer, D. Hasler
Analytic Perturbation Theory and Renormalization Analysis of Matter Coupled to Quantized Radiation (496K, pdf) Jan 29, 08
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08-108 Valerio Lucarini
Three-dimensional Random Voronoi Tessellations: From Cubic Crystal Lattices to Poisson Point Processes (836K, PDF) Jun 11, 08
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08-195 Nobuo YOSHIDA
Localization for Linear Stochastic Evolutions (213K, pdf) Oct 23, 08
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09-103 Mark M. Malamud, Hagen Neidhardt
On the unitary equivalence of absolutely continuous parts of self-adjoint extensions (578K, pdf) Jul 3, 09
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09-194 Hans Koch, Charles Radin
Modelling quasicrystals at positive temperature (113K, plain TeX, with ps figures) Oct 20, 09
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09-214 David Aristoff, Charles Radin
Layering in crumpled sheets (1132K, pdf) Dec 9, 09
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10-116 Valerio Lucarini, Stefania Sarno
A Statistical Mechanical Approach for the Computation of the Climatic Response to General Forcings (803K, pdf) Aug 9, 10
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10-180 David Aristoff and Charles Radin
First order phase transition of a long polymer chain (504K, pdf) Nov 2, 10
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10-188 David Klein, Evan Randles
Fermi coordinates, simultaneity, and expanding space in Robertson-Walker cosmologies (79K, latex) Nov 23, 10
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10-198 J. Kellendonk, K. Pankrashkin, S. Richard
Levinson's theorem and higher degree traces for Aharonov-Bohm operators (426K, PDF) Dec 14, 10
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