Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 20-84".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
09-182 Jacobo Aguirre, Alejandro Luque, Daniel Peralta-Salas
Motion of charged particles in magnetic fields created by symmetric configurations of wires (17558K, pdf) Oct 1, 09
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

09-204 Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa
Asymptotics near +-m of the spectral shift function for Dirac operators with non-constant magnetic fields (643K, Postscript) Nov 12, 09
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

09-215 Livia Corsi, Guido Gentile, Michela Procesi
KAM theory in configuration space and cancellations in the Lindstedt series (743K, pdf) Dec 18, 09
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

12-84 J. H. Klauder
Enhanced Quantization: A Primer (34K, LaTex) Aug 6, 12
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

12-129 Christian Corda
Black hole's quantum levels (57K, Latex) Oct 26, 12
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

13-72 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Notoph-Graviton-Photon Coupling (59K, LaTeX) Aug 21, 13
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14-77 Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov
Translational and Rotational Properties of Tensor Fields in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (281K, PDF) Dec 3, 14
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20-58 R. Calleja, A. Celletti, R. de la Llave
KAM theory for some dissipative systems (8017K, PDF/A) Aug 3, 20
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20-60 J.-B. Bru, W. de Siqueira Pedra, A. Ratsimanetrimanana
Quantum Fluctuations and Large Deviation Principle for Microscopic Currents of Free Fermions in Disordered Media (690K, pdf) Aug 3, 20
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91-75 Duffield N.G., Werner R.F.
Local dynamics of mean-field quantum systems (126K, Plain TeX) Dec 4, 91
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92-3 Bordemann M., Forger M., Laartz J., Schaeper U.
{The Lie-Poisson Structure of Integrable Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models (108K, LaTex) Jan 27, 92
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92-10 Aurich R., Bolte J., Matthies C., Sieber M., Steiner F.
Crossing the Entropy Barrier of Dynamical Zeta Functions (55K, LaTeX) Feb 13, 92
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92-58 Mack G., Kalkreuter T., Palma G., Speh M.
Effective Field Theories (1233K, PS) May 20, 92
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Second Order Hamiltonian Equations on ${\bf T}^\infty$ and Almost-Periodic Solutions (87K, Plain TeX) Feb 5, 93
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93-136 Streit L.
White Noise Analysis and Functional Integrals (55K, LATeX) May 17, 93
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93-180 Hans-Otto Georgii
Large deviations and the equivalence of ensembles for Gibbsian particle systems with superstable interaction (66K, latex3) Jun 16, 93
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93-244 R. Brummelhuis, T. Paul, A. Uribe.
Spectral Estimates Around a Critical Level (141K, LaTeX) Oct 8, 93
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93-292 Tohru Koma, Hal Tasaki
Obscured Symmetry Breaking and Low-Lying Excited States (130K, LaTeX) Nov 11, 93
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93-320 Flato M., Simon J.C.H., Taflin E.
The Maxwell-Dirac equations: Asymptotic completeness and the infrared problem. (47K, plain TeX) Dec 4, 93
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93-338 Korzh S.A., Ov\^carenko I.E., Ugrinovsky R.A.
Chebyshev's recursion --- some analytical, computational and applied aspects (72K, TeX, plain) Dec 22, 93
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94-14 Brunetti Romeo, Guido Daniele, Longo Roberto
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

94-21 O. Steinmann
Perturbative Quantum Field Theory at Positive Temperatures: an Axiomatic Approach (36K, LaTex) Jan 24, 94
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94-62 Degli Esposti M., Graffi S., Isola S.
Classical Limit of the Quantized Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms (100K, AmS-TeX) Mar 10, 94
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94-138 G.G. Emch, H. Narnhofer, G.L. Sewell, W. Thirring
Anosov Actions on Non--Commutative Algebras (60K, LaTeX) May 26, 94
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94-191 Borchers H.-J.
Quantum Field Theory and Modular Structures (93K, TeX) Jun 8, 94
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94-192 Graffi S., Paul T.
Quantum Intrinsically Degenerate and Classical Secular Perturbation Theory (98K, LaTeX) Jun 8, 94
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94-211 Guido D. , Longo R.
An algebraic Spin and Statistics theorem. I (56K, Plain TeX) Jun 23, 94
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94-220 Klauder J. R.
Poisson Distributions for $\varphi^4$ (21K, TeX) Jun 30, 94
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94-223 Lieb E. H. , Freericks J. K.
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

94-225 Mirko Degli Esposti, Stefano Isola
Distribution of periodic orbits for linear automorphisms of tori. (41K, Plain-Tex) Jul 5, 94
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94-305 Vladimir V. Kisil, CINVESTAV del IPN (Mexico) and
Relative Convolutions. I Properties and Applications (102K, LaTeX2e) Oct 3, 94
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