Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 19-56".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
03-165 Martin Hairer
Ergodicity of Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion (450K, PDF) Apr 10, 03
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03-294 S. Fournais and E. Skibsted
Zero energy asymptotics of the resolvent for a class of slowly decaying potentials (365K, PostScript) Jun 20, 03
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

03-316 Fritz Gesztesy and Barry Simon
Connectedness of the Isospectral Manifold for One-Dimensional Half-Line Schr\"odinger Operators (15K, LaTeX) Jul 1, 03
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

03-335 Alexander N. Gorban, Iliya V. Karlin, and Andrei Yu. Zinovyev
Constructive Methods of Invariant Manifolds for Kinetic Problems (3148K, pdf) Jul 16, 03
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

03-364 Alexei Rybkin
On the absolutely continuous and negative discrete spectra of Schrodinger operators on the line with locally integrable globally square summable potentials (31K, AMS-TeX) Aug 10, 03
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04-69 O.Bourget
Singular Continuous Floquet Operator for Periodic Quantum Systems (374K, pdf) Mar 8, 04
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04-80 Takuya Mine
The Aharonov-Bohm solenoids in a constant magnetic field (778K, Postscript) Mar 12, 04
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04-97 Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Christina Forster, Harald A. Posch, Emmanuel Zabey
Lyapunov Modes in Hard-Disk Systems (1935K, Postscript) Apr 2, 04
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04-203 Yaroslav Kurylev, Matti Lassas and Ricardo Weder
Multidimensional Borg Levinson Theorem (43K, AMSLATEX) Jun 28, 04
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04-267 J. D. Bondurant, S. A. Fulling
The Dirichlet-to-Robin Transform (1783K, RevTeX) Aug 31, 04
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04-303 M. Berti, L. Biasco
Vibrations with nonmonotone forcing terms (127K, latex) Sep 23, 04
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04-326 Ivan Veselic'
Spectral Analysis of Percolation Hamiltonians (386K, PDF) Oct 16, 04
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04-360 G. van Baalen
Downstream asymptotics in exterior domains: from stationary wakes to time periodic flows (520K, pdf) Nov 4, 04
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05-70 Massimiliano Berti, Michela Procesi
Quasi-periodic solutions of completely resonant forced wave equations (567K, PS) Feb 16, 05
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05-75 Zhenguo Liang, Jiangong You
Quasi-Periodic Solutions for 1D Nonlinear Wave Equation with a General Nonlinearity (455K, pdf) Feb 21, 05
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05-91 Peter Kuchment, Yehuda Pinchover
Liouville theorems and spectral edge behavior on abelian coverings of compact manifolds (138K, LATEX) Mar 6, 05
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05-108 Joaquim Puig
A Nonperturbative Eliasson's Reducibility Theorem (345K, pdf) Mar 17, 05
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05-177 Oliver Matte
Supersymmetric Dirichlet operators, spectral gaps, and correlations (433K, Postscript) May 13, 05
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05-302 Riccardo Adami, Andrea Sacchetti
The transition from diffusion to blow-up for a nonlinear Schroedinger equation in dimension 1. (43K, LATeX 2e) Sep 2, 05
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06-10 Olaf Post
Spectral convergence of non-compact quasi-one-dimensional spaces (201K, latex) Jan 11, 06
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06-14 O. Costin, G. Gallavotti, G. Gentile, A. Giuliani
Borel summability and Lindstedt series (85K, Plain TeX with 1 ps figure) Jan 15, 06
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06-15 Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden, and Gerald Teschl
The Algebro-Geometric Toda Hierarchy Initial Value Problem for Complex-Valued Initial Data (163K, LaTeX) Jan 18, 06
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06-174 Yoram Last, Barry Simon
Fine Structure of the Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, IV. A Priori Bounds and Clock Behavior (506K, pdf) Jun 1, 06
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06-252 Sergei Maydanyuk
New exactly solvable reflectionless potentials of Gamov's type (328K, LaTeX 2e with EPS Figures) Sep 8, 06
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07-55 Zhenguo Liang, School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Quasi-Periodic Solutions for 1D Schr\"{o}dinger Equation with the Nonlinearity |u|^{2p}u (583K, pdf) Mar 7, 07
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07-67 Laurent Bruneau, Alain Joye, Marco Merkli
Infinite Products of Random Matrices and Repeated Interaction Dynamics (394K, pdf) Mar 22, 07
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08-71 Sergei Avdonin and Victor Mikhaylov
The boundary control approach to inverse spectral theory (258K, Adobe PDF) Apr 3, 08
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08-136 Pierre Duclos, Pavel Exner, Ondrej Turek
On the spectrum of a bent chain graph (371K, pdf) Jul 9, 08
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09-35 Alice Mikikits-Leitner and Gerald Teschl
Trace Formulas for Schroedinger Operators in Connection with Scattering Theory for Finite-Gap Backgrounds (43K, LaTeX2e) Feb 23, 09
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09-77 Renato Calleja
Existence and persistence of invariant objects in dynamical systems and mathematical physics (2511K, PDF) May 18, 09
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10-101 Aleksey Kostenko, Alexander Sakhnovich, and Gerald Teschl
Weyl-Titchmarsh Theory for Schroedinger Operators with Strongly Singular Potentials (90K, LaTeX2e) Jul 1, 10
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