Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 12-84".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
93-181 Michael Aizenman, Bruno Nachtergaele
Geometric Aspects of Quantum Spin States (154K, plain TeX) Jun 16, 93
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

93-244 R. Brummelhuis, T. Paul, A. Uribe.
Spectral Estimates Around a Critical Level (141K, LaTeX) Oct 8, 93
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

93-249 Barut A. O., Moore D. J., Piron C.
The Cartan formalism in field theory (46K, TeX) Oct 14, 93
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

93-311 Fefferman C., Seco L. A.
The Density in a Three-Dimensional Radial Potential (182K, AMSTeX) Nov 24, 93
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

94-21 O. Steinmann
Perturbative Quantum Field Theory at Positive Temperatures: an Axiomatic Approach (36K, LaTex) Jan 24, 94
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94-59 Cordoba A., Fefferman C., Seco L. A.
A Trigonometric Sum Relevant to the Non--relativistic Theory of Atoms. (116K, Postscript.) Mar 8, 94
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

94-62 Degli Esposti M., Graffi S., Isola S.
Classical Limit of the Quantized Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms (100K, AmS-TeX) Mar 10, 94
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94-93 Thomas Hudetz
Topological Entropy for Appropriately Approximated C*-algebras (158K, AMS-Latex) Apr 18, 94
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94-114 Lieb E. H. , Solovej J. P. , Yngvason J.
Quantum dots (95K, Plain TeX) Apr 29, 94
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95-137 Slawomir Klimek, Andrzej Lesniewski
Quantized chaotic dynamics and non-commutative KS entropy (52K, plain TeX) Mar 7, 95
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

95-150 Cordoba A., Fefferman C., Seco L. A.
Weyl Sums and Atomic Energy Oscillations (125K, PlainTeX) Mar 19, 95
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95-151 Gallavotti, G., Gentile, G., Mastropietro, V.
Field theory and KAM tori (52K, TeX) Mar 20, 95
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95-197 Requardt M.
A New Class of Bounds for Correlation Functions in Euclidean Lattice Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics of Spin Systems (21K, Latex) Apr 18, 95
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95-247 Guido Gentile, Vieri Mastropietro
Methods for the analysis of the Lindstedt series for KAM tori and renormalizability in classical mechanics. A review with some applications. (181K, Plain Tex) Jun 3, 95
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

95-376 Rehren, K.-H.
Comments on a recent solution to Wightman's axioms (43K, plain TeX version 3.141) Aug 10, 95
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95-427 Guido Gentile, Vieri Mastropietro
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

95-517 G.R. Guerberoff, and G.A. Raggio
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-39 Giuseppe Dito, Moshe Flato, Daniel Sternheimer, Leon Takhtajan
Deformation Quantization and Nambu Mechanics (72K, LaTeX) Feb 13, 96
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96-226 Datta N., Fern\'andez R., Froehlich J., Rey-Bellet L.
Low-temperature phase diagrams of quantum lattice systems. II. Convergent perturbation expansions and stability in systems with infinite degeneracy. (208K, LaTeX) May 22, 96
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96-355 Klimek S., Lesniewski A.
Quantized Kronecker flows and almost periodic quantum field theory (61K, plain TeX) Aug 9, 96
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96-379 Fefferman C., Froehlich J., Graf G.M.
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

96-403 Erdos L., Solovej J.P.
Semiclassical eigenvalue estimates for the Pauli operator with strong non-homogeneous magnetic fields: I. Non-asymptotic Lieb-Thirring type estimate (114K, LaTeX) Sep 9, 96
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96-678 Kuznetsov A.N., Tkachov F.V.
TECHNIQUES OF DISTRIBUTIONS IN PERTURBATIVE QUANTUM FIELD THEORY (II) Applications to Theory of Multiloop Diagrams. (107K, LaTeX) Dec 17, 96
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97-62 Giovanni Landi
An introduction to noncommutative spaces and their geometries (442K, LaTeX, 181 + iv pages, 26 figs in the source file) Feb 11, 97
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97-102 A.P. Balachandran
Bringing Up a Quantum Baby (114K, LaTeX) Feb 28, 97
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97-112 Moshe Flato, Giuseppe Dito and Daniel Sternheimer
Nambu mechanics, $n$-ary operations and their quantization (72K, LaTeX) Mar 10, 97
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97-200 Brian C. Hall
Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space (56K, AMS-Latex) Apr 9, 97
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97-303 Detlef Lehmann
An Explicit Solution of the BCS Model and Demonstration of Symmetry Breaking (117K, TeX) May 27, 97
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97-327 Luca Salasnich
Quantum Chaos in a Yang--Mills--Higgs System (18K, LaTex) Jun 13, 97
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97-448 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
High-energy nuclear physics with Lorentz symmetry violation (55K, LaTex) Aug 17, 97
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97-476 Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Lorentz symmetry violation, vacuum and superluminal particles (52K, LaTex) Sep 4, 97
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