Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 06-165".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
00-519 Lazutkin V.F
A remark on ``Some remarks on the problem of ergodicity of the Standard Map'' (13K, LATeX 2e) Dec 30, 00
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00-520 Vladimir GEORGESCU, Andrei IFTIMOVICI
Riesz-Kolmogorov Compacity Criterion, Ruelle Theorem and Lorentz Convergence on Locally Compact Abelian Groups (296K, Postscript) Dec 31, 00
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

00-521 Vladimir GEORGESCU, Andrei IFTIMOVICI
$C^*$-Algebras of Energy Observables: I. General Theory and Bumps Algebras (704K, Postscript) Dec 31, 00
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

01-67 Changsoo Bahn, Chul Ki Ko and Yong Moon Park
Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markovian Semigroups on CCR Algebras with respect to Quasi-free States (102K, latex file (PCTex file)) Feb 14, 01
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01-99 Vladimir GEORGESCU, Andrei IFTIMOVICI
C*-Algebras of Energy Observables: II. Graded Symplectic Algebras and Magnetic Hamiltonians (484K, Postscript) Mar 12, 01
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

01-263 Giovanni Gallavotti and Guido Gentile
Hyperbolic low-dimensional invariant tori and summations of divergent series (611K, PostScript) Jul 12, 01
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01-297 Abbott S.
The Relativistic Theory of the Asymmetric Field (22K, LATeX 2e) Aug 5, 01
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01-330 Brian C. Hall, Jeffrey J. Mitchell
Coherent states on spheres (104K, Latex) Sep 18, 01
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01-345 Petko Al. Nikolov, Nikola P. Petrov
A Local Approach to Dimensional Reduction: I. General Formalism (395K, PS) Oct 1, 01
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01-347 Petko Al. Nikolov, Nikola P. Petrov
A Local Approach to Dimensional Reduction: II. Conformal Invariance in Minkowski Space (366K, PS) Oct 1, 01
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01-406 Alberto Berretti and Guido Gentile
Renormalization Group and Field Theoretic Techniques for the Analysis of the Lindstedt Series (1579K, postscript) Oct 31, 01
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01-419 Tepper L. Gill, Woodford W. Zachary and James Lindesay
The Classical Electron Problem (415K, pdf) Nov 9, 01
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02-90 Paul Federbush
For the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet, Tao to the Proof of a Phase Transition (15K, LaTeX) Feb 27, 02
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02-181 Fernando Cardoso, Georgi Popov
Quasimodes with Exponentially Small Errors Associated with Elliptic Periodic Rays (106K, LaTeX 2e) Apr 11, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-209 R de la Madrid
Rigged Hilbert Space Approach to the Schrodinger Equation (95K, RevTex) May 1, 02
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02-250 Fernando Cardoso, Georgi Popov
Quasimodes with Exponentially Small Errors Associated with Elliptic Periodic Rays (106K, LaTeX 2e) Jun 2, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

02-276 John Andrew Vano
A Nash-Moser Implicit Function Theorem with Whitney Regularity and Applications (850K, PDF) Jun 20, 02
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02-480 Gerhard Knieper and Howard Weiss
Genericity of Positive Topological Entropy for Geodesic Flows on $S^2$ (309K, pdf) Nov 22, 02
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02-526 Daniel Lenz, Norbert Peyerimhoff, Ivan Veselic'
Random Schr"odinger operators on manifolds (474K, postscript) Dec 18, 02
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03-12 Vered Rom-Kedar
Frequency spanning homoclinic families (621K, Jan 12, 03
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03-141 Chul Ki Ko, Yong Moon Park
Construction of a Family of Quantum Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroups (427K, Postscript) Mar 28, 03
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03-153 T. L. Gill, S. Basu, W. W. Zachary and V. Steadman
Adjoint for Operators on Banach Spaces (184K, pdf) Apr 2, 03
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03-154 Marek Biskup, Christian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Logan J. Kleinwaks and Roman Kotecky
Partition function zeros at first-order phase transitions: A general analysis (450K, PDF) Apr 3, 03
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03-197 Vladimir Georgescu, Christian Gerard, Jacob Schach-Moeller
Commutators, $C_{0}-$ semigroups and Resolvent Estimates (695K, Postscript) Apr 27, 03
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03-199 Tamura Hideo
Resolvent Convergence in Norm for Dirac Operator with Aharonov-Bohm Field (584K, Postscript) Apr 28, 03
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03-247 Anton Bovier (WIAS), Irina Kurkova (Paris 6)
Derrida's Generalized Random Energy models 4: Continuous state branching and coalescents (349K, ps) May 30, 03
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03-256 N ria Fagella, Tere M. Seara, Jordi Villanueva
Asymptotic Size of Herman Rings of the Complex Standard Family by Quantitative Quasiconformal Surgery (733K, Postscript) Jun 3, 03
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03-293 Thomas Chen
Critical Manifolds and Stability in Hamiltonian Systems with Non-Holonomic Constraints (140K, AMS LaTeX) Jun 20, 03
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03-322 Mathieu Lewin
A mountain pass for reacting molecules (452K, Postscript) Jul 10, 03
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03-416 Dr Lee McCulloch-James
Symplectic structures and two spinor chiral formulations of Einstein-matter Lagrangians. (64K, AMS-Latex) Sep 12, 03
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04-14 Alan Carey, Hendrik Grundling
Amenability of the Gauge Group (45K, Latex) Jan 20, 04
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