Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 03-266".
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06-2 Yulia Karpeshina, Young-Ran Lee
Spectral Properties of Polyharmonic Operators with Limit-Periodic Potential in Dimension Two. (1402K, Postscript) Jan 3, 06
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06-44 Xiaoping Yuan
A variant of KAM theorem with applications to nonlinear wave equations of higher dimension (489K, AMS-TeX) Mar 3, 06
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06-90 Eduard Kirr, Arghir Zarnescu
On the asymptotic stability of bound states in 2D cubic Schroedinger equation (346K, pdf) Mar 22, 06
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06-159 Oleg Safronov, G\"unter Stolz
Absolutely continuous spectrum of Schr\"odinger operators with potentials slowly decaying inside a cone (294K, pdf) May 15, 06
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06-232 V.Grinshpun
Pure Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Random Operators on l^2(Z^d) at Low Disorder (2054K, PDF) Aug 26, 06
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07-113 Vladimir S. Buslaev and Catherine Sulem
Linear adiabatic dynamics generated by operators with continuous spectrum.I (297K, pdf) May 4, 07
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08-81 Laszlo Erdos, Benjamin Schlein
Quantum Dynamics with Mean Field Interactions: a New Approach (44K, LateX) Apr 23, 08
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08-84 Guido Gentile and Michela Procesi
Periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear partial differential equations in higher dimension (553K, pdf) Apr 28, 08
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08-160 Hakan L. Eliasson and Sergei B. Kuksin
On reducibility of Schr\"odinger equations with quasiperiodic in time potentials (306K, pdf) Sep 9, 08
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09-12 Jani Lukkarinen, Herbert Spohn
Weakly nonlinear Schrodinger equation with random initial data (738K, LaTeX 2e with 9 EPS Figures) Jan 21, 09
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09-93 Z. Ammari; S. Breteaux
Propagation of chaos for many-boson systems in one dimension with a point pair-interaction (360K, pdf) Jun 16, 09
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09-128 Viorel Iftimie, Marius Mantoiu and Radu Purice
Unicity of the Integrated Density of States for Relativistic Schr dinger Operators with Regular Magnetic Fields and Singular Electric Potentials (420K, LaTeX2e) Jul 31, 09
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09-201 Jakob Wachsmuth, Stefan Teufel
Effective Hamiltonians for Constrained Quantum Systems (806K, 596K, pdf) Nov 9, 09
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11-131 Raffaella Servadei, Enrico Valdinoci
Variational methods for non-local operators of elliptic type (381K, pdf) Sep 14, 11
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12-24 J. L. Lebowitz, Ph. Mounaix, W.-M. Wang
Approach to equilibrium for the stochastic NLS (458K, pdf) Feb 14, 12
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12-48 Riccardo Adami, Diego Noja, Nicola Visciglia
Constrained energy minimization and ground states for NLS with point defects (786K, pdf) May 6, 12
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12-108 Raffaella Servadei
Infinitely many solutions for fractional Laplace equations with subcritical nonlinearity (76K, LaTeX) Oct 4, 12
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14-65 Zhang Binlin, Giovanni Molica Bisci and Raffaella Servadei
Superlinear nonlocal fractional problems with infinitely many solutions (514K, pdf) Aug 26, 14
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21-48 Aubrey Truman, Richard Durran, Andrew Neate
On Newtonian Quantum Gravity for Stationary States of WIMPs (1662K, PDF) Sep 3, 21
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22-74 Messoud Efendiev, Vitali Vougalter
Solvability in the sense of sequences for some non-Fredholm operators with the logarithmic Laplacian (194K, pdf) Nov 6, 22
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92-80 Gallay Th.
A Center-Stable Manifold Theorem for Differential Equations in Banach Spaces (232K, postscript) Jun 30, 92
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Second Order Hamiltonian Equations on ${\bf T}^\infty$ and Almost-Periodic Solutions (87K, Plain TeX) Feb 5, 93
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94-33 G.Gentile
A proof of existence of whiskered tori with quasi flat homoclinic intersections in a class of almost integrable hamiltonian systems (149K, Plain Tex) Feb 10, 94
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94-232 Hof A., Knill O., Simon.B.
Singular Continuous Spectrum for Palindromic Schr\"odinger Operators (37K, LaTeX) Jul 14, 94
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94-274 T. Paul, A. Uribe
On the pointwise behavior of semi-classical measures (79K, LaTeX) Aug 19, 94
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95-121 J.Loeffelholz, G.Morchio, F.Strocchi
Spectral stochastic processes arising in quantum mechanical models with a non-L^2 ground state (41K, tex) Feb 24, 95
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95-195 Knill O.
Discrete random electromagnetic Laplacians (103K, LaTeX) Apr 12, 95
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95-270 del Rio R., Jitomirskaya S., Last Y., Simon B.
Operators with singular continuous spectrum, IV. Hausdorff dimensions, rank one perturbations, and localization (112K, AMSTeX) Jun 14, 95
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95-358 Alain JOYE
Exponential Asymptotics in a Singular Limit for $n$-Level Scattering Systems (99K, Latex) Jul 7, 95
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95-363 Elisabetta Marcelli, Fabio Martinelli
Some new results on the 2d stochastic Ising model in the phase coexistence region. (107K, plain TeX) Jul 13, 95
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