Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 00-311".
Page 4. Papers 97 - 128 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
06-232 V.Grinshpun
Pure Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Random Operators on l^2(Z^d) at Low Disorder (2054K, PDF) Aug 26, 06
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08-130 C. G rard, A. Panati
Spectral and scattering theory for \\ space-cutoff $P(\varphi)_{2}$ models with variable metric (535K, pdf) Jun 26, 08
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated pdf), Index of related papers

08-182 Fritz Gesztesy and Mark M. Malamud
Spectral Theory of Elliptic Operators in Exterior Domains (41K, LaTeX) Oct 9, 08
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09-60 Riccardo Adami, Diego Noja
Existence of dynamics for a 1-d NLS equation perturbed with a generalized point defect. (101K, LATeX 2e) Apr 7, 09
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09-88 Sergey Simonov
An example of spectral phase transition phenomenon in a class of Jacobi matrices with periodically modulated weights (305K, pdf) Jun 6, 09
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10-64 Tepper L. Gill, Francis Mensah and Woodford W. Zachary
Adjoint Operators on Banach Spaces (91K, TeX) Apr 20, 10
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14-23 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, and Vladimir Lotoreichik
Schroedinger operators with delta-interactions supported on conical surfaces (590K, pdf) Apr 8, 14
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17-59 Pavel Exner, Alexey Kostenko, Mark Malamud, Hagen Neidhardt
Spectral Theory of Infinite Quantum Graphs (723K, pdf) May 5, 17
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18-118 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik
The Landau Hamiltonian with $\delta$-potentials supported on curves (686K, pdf) Dec 22, 18
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19-14 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik
On Dirac operators in R^3 with electrostatic and Lorentz scalar delta-shell interactions (497K, pdf) Jan 31, 19
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23-86 Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Matej Tusek
On two-dimensional Dirac operators with $\delta$-shell interactions supported on unbounded curves with straight ends (650K, pdf) Dec 22, 23
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92-3 Bordemann M., Forger M., Laartz J., Schaeper U.
{The Lie-Poisson Structure of Integrable Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models (108K, LaTex) Jan 27, 92
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92-181 Schenkel A., Stubbe J., Wittwer P.
Asymptotics of Solutions in a A+B -> C Reaction-Diffusion System (219K, postscript) Nov 6, 92
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93-181 Michael Aizenman, Bruno Nachtergaele
Geometric Aspects of Quantum Spin States (154K, plain TeX) Jun 16, 93
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95-268 Gesztesy F., Simon B.
Uniqueness Theorems in Inverse Spectral Theory for One-Dimensional Schr\"odinger Operators (76K, AMSTeX) Jun 14, 95
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95-359 Alexander MOROZ
INDUCED FERMION NUMBER, PHASE-SHIFT FLIP, AND THE AXIAL ANOMALY IN THE AHARONOV-BOHM POTENTIAL (165K, compressed postscript file, 29 pp., 4 figures included) Jul 11, 95
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95-378 Jaksic V., Pillet C.-A.
Ergodic Properties of the Spin - Boson System (249K, postscript) Aug 16, 95
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95-399 Blanchard, Ph., Stubbe, J.
Bound States for Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians: Phase Space Methods and Applications (111K, LaTeX) Aug 31, 95
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95-428 Knill O.
Determinants of random Schroedinger operators arrizing from lattice gauge fields (68K, LaTeX) Sep 21, 95
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95-536 G\"unter Stolz
Localization for Schr\"odinger operators with effective barriers (36K, LaTeX) Dec 19, 95
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96-8 Figotin A., Klein A.
Localized Classical Waves Created by Defects (35K, LaTeX) Jan 12, 96
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96-36 Gerald Teschl
Oscillation Theory and Renormalized Oscillation Theory for Jacobi Operators (64K, LaTeX2e) Feb 5, 96
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96-189 Abdesselam A., Rivasseau V.
An explicit large versus small field multiscale cluster expansion (226K, LaTeX) May 14, 96
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96-243 P. Duclos, P. Stovicek
Floquet Hamiltonians with pure point spectrum (66K, LaTeX) Jun 4, 96
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96-260 Requardt M.
Discrete Mathematics and Physics on the Planck-Scale exemplified by means of a Class of 'Cellular Network Modells' and their Dynamics (82K, Tex) Jun 13, 96
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96-320 P. Exner, R. Gawlista, P. \v{S}eba, M. Tater
Point interactions in a strip (116K, LaTeX) Jul 2, 96
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96-329 Gerald Teschl
Trace Formulas and Inverse Spectral Theory for Jacobi Operators (79K, LaTeX2e) Jul 5, 96
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96-352 Knill O.
Four papers in dynamics. (125K, four LaTeX files (to unbundle, sh the downloaded file)) Aug 6, 96
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96-447 H. Grosse, E. Langmann, E. Raschhofer
The Luttinger-Schwinger Model (57K, Latex) Sep 26, 96
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96-641 Barata J. C. A., Nill F.
Dyonic Sectors and Intertwiner Connections in 2+1-dimensional Lattice Z_N-Higgs Models. (577K, PostScript) Nov 28, 96
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97-144 Latushkin, Y., Montgomery-Smith S., Randolph, T.
Evolution semigroups and robust stability of evolution operators on Banach spaces (74K, LaTeX2e) Mar 24, 97
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97-234 Amour L., Guillot J. -C.
Examples of discrete operators with a pure point spectrum of finite multiplicity. (30K, Latex) Apr 21, 97
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