Martin Schlichenmaier Differential Operator Algebras on compact Riemann Surfaces, 11 pages, AmsTeX 2.1 and psbox macros, Mannheimer Manuskripte 164 (53K, AMSTEX) ABSTRACT. Invited talk at the International Symposium on Generalized Symmetries in Physics at the Arnold-Sommerfeld-Institute, Clausthal, Germany, July 26 -- July 29, 1993. This talk reviews results on the structure of algebras consisting of meromorphic differential operators which are holomorphic outside a finite set of points on compact Riemann surfaces. For each partition into two disjoint subsets of the set of points where poles are allowed, a grading of the algebra and of the modules of lambda - forms is introduced. With respect to this grading the Lie structure of the algebra and of the modules are almost graded ones. Central extensions and semi-infinite wedge representations are studied. If one considers only differential operators of degree 1 then these algebras are generalizations of the Virasoro algebra in genus zero, resp. of Krichever Novikov algebras in higher genus. (to appear in the Proceedings)