von Dreifus H., Klein A., Perez J. P. TAMING GRIFFITHS' SINGULARITIES: INFINITE DIFFERENTIABILITY OF QUENCHED CORRELATION FUNCTIONS (67K, LaTeX) ABSTRACT. We prove infinite differentiability of the magnetization and of all quenched correlation functions for disordered spin systems at high temperature or strong magnetic field in the presence of Griffiths' singularities. We also show uniqueness of the Gibbs state and exponential decay of truncated correlation functions with probability one. Our results are obtained through new simple modified high temperature or low activity expansions whose convergence can be displayed by elementary probabilistic arguments. Our results require no assumptions on the probability distributions of the random parameters, except for the obvious one of no percolation of infinite couplings, and, in the strong field situation, for the also obvious requirement that zero magnetic fields do not percolate.