Rudolf Lierenfeldt Realistic Quantum Theory: Solving the Interpretation Problem (5266K, PDF) ABSTRACT. In this monography an ontologically realistic theory of the quantum universe and its properties is developed. This theory is based on logic in the same way as mathematical theories are; in particular, every concept used (e.g. "quantum state") is given a precise definition. --- The theory starts with the canonical model, which states that, for every quantum system, each subspace of the Hilbert space has a unique truth value at every point of time. In order to avoid any problems with the Kochen-Specker theorem, factual instead of numerical properties are in the focus here. (Numerical properties are merely regarded as parameterized sets of factual properties.) A more general concept of probability than that of Kolmogorov is used in order to solve the problem of Bell's inequality. Appropriate deterministic laws as well as a law of probability are defined. --- The theory is proved to be logically consistent, so there do not arise any problems with no-go-theorems. Since quantum systems as well as quantum states are formally defined, there is no problem as to their interpretation, nor is there a "problem of measurement". Finally, the Copenhagen formalism is derived for the case of experiments that can be evaluated from a macroscopic perspective. The theory thus represents a systematic solution to the interpretation problem of quantum theory. --- A more detailed English summary can be found in the PDF document. --- This is a postprint of "Rudolf Lierenfeldt, Realistische Quantentheorie - Zur Loesung des Deutungsproblems", 2018, in German, 620 pages.