N. Tsitverblit Gravitation and thermodynamic irreversibility for primary matter and antimatter (342K, pdf) ABSTRACT. The irreversibility of macroscopic processes in the universe since its material outset is inferred to stem from such a generalization of the first law of thermodynamics as also covers gravitation. Growth of the total entropy in a comoving Friedmann volume is launched when such a global equilibrium is perturbed with effects of attractive gravitation. It is then underlain by two opposite time arrows definable with the respective gravitational energies of material phases equally created in such a volume from vacuum decay. Due to thermodynamic equilibrium of this process, either of these phases arises homogeneously throughout its entire Friedmann universe. Having first randomly dominated their opposite time arrows, such matter and antimatter thereby polarize the disintegrating vacuum phase with their independent effects of attractive gravitation and hence separate these created phases in terms of their time arrows. For two gravitationally independent material phases created cosmically, their macroscopic inverse of time is equivalent to the identical change of their creation entropies with the respective times. Driven by repulsion of the decaying vacuum phase, cosmic expansion thus largely begets mutually inaccessible matter and antimatter. Dilated at their enhanced densities, either such a progressing time alone still underlies a nongravitational manifestation of the respective entropy growth as well.