Michael Ibison Mass in a Fokker-Type Theory (661K, PDF) ABSTRACT. Despite the efforts of Wheeler, Feynman, Davies, Hoyle, Narlikar and others, historical attempts to reconcile direct particle interaction of Schwarzschild, Tetrode, and Fokker with Maxwell field theory have failed, forcing the conclusion that time-symmetric EM fields cannot be entirely expunged from direct particle interaction. Though electromagnetic time-symmetric fields have hitherto been deemed an undesirable prediction of direct particle interaction, it turns out that observational facts peculiar to QM may instead be consistent with their presence, in which case direct particle interaction may be a viable theory after all. The alleged role of time-symmetric EM fields in the emergence of quantum theory from a classical mostly time-symmetric background is discussed elsewhere. This work instead examines a particular consequence of the self-consistency that must be demanded of such fields presuming they exist. The motion of sources in the presence of such fields is shown to constrain their mass, which appears as an eigenvalue in controlling self-consistent modes over cosmological scales. Calculation of the eigenvalue under the presumption of a uniform distribution of matter yields a relationship between the electron mass and the Hubble radius consistent with one of the Dirac Large Number Hypotheses. More generally, it is shown that direct particle interaction predicts a relationship between the mass spectrum of elementary particles, and the distribution of matter over Cosmological scales.