A. Rapoport, V. Rom-Kedar, D. Turaev Stability in high dimensional steep repelling potentials. (975K, pdf) ABSTRACT. The appearance of elliptic periodic orbits in families of $n$-dimensional smooth repelling billiard-like potentials that are arbitrarily steep is established for any finite $n$. Furthermore, the stability regions in the parameter space scale as a power-law in $1/n$ and in the steepness parameter. Thus, it is shown that even though these systems have a uniformly hyperbolic(albeit singular) limit, the ergodicity properties of this limit system are destroyed in the more realistic smooth setting. The considered example is highly symmetric and is not directly linked to the smooth many particle problem. Nonetheless, the possibility of explicitly constructing stable motion in smooth $n$ degrees of freedom systems limiting to strictly dispersing billiards is now established.