O. Costin and J.L. Lebowitz On the Construction of Particle Distributions with Specified Single and Pair Densities (31K, Latex) ABSTRACT. We discuss necessary conditions for the existence of probability distribution on particle configurations in $d$-dimensions i.e.\ a point process, compatible with a specified density $\rho$ and radial distribution function $g({\bf r})$. In $d=1$ we give necessary and sufficient criteria on $\rho g({\bf r})$ for the existence of such a point process of renewal (Markov) type. We prove that these conditions are satisfied for the case $g(r) = 0, r < D$ and $g(r) = 1, r > D$, if and only if $\rho D \leq e^{-1}$: the maximum density obtainable from diluting a Poisson process. We then describe briefly necessary and sufficient conditions, valid in every dimension, for $\rho g(r)$ to specify a determinantal point process for which all $n$-particle densities, $\rho_n({\bf r}_1, ..., {\bf r}_n)$, are given explicitly as determinants. We give several examples.