Ola Bratteli, Palle E.T. Jorgensen, Ki Hang Kim, Fred Roush Decidability of the isomorphism problem for stationary AF-algebras and the associated ordered simple dimension groups (253K, LaTeX2e amsart class, 55 pages, 1 EPS graphic) ABSTRACT. The notion of isomorphism of stable AF-C*-algebras is considered in this paper in the case when the corresponding Bratteli diagram is stationary, i.e., is associated with a single square primitive incidence matrix. C*-isomorphism} induces an equivalence relation on these matrices, called C*-equivalence}. We show that the associated isomorphism equivalence problem is decidable, i.e., there is an algorithm that can be used to check in a finite number of steps whether two given primitive matrices are C*-equivalent} or not.