\input amstex \documentstyle{amsppt} \TagsOnRight \topmatter \title Operators with Singular Continuous Spectrum:\\ II. Rank One Operators \endtitle \rightheadtext{Singular Continuous Spectrum: Rank One Operators} \author R. del Rio$^{1,3}$, \thanks $^{1}$ Permanent address: IIMAS-UNAM, Apdo. Postal 20-726, Admon. No. 20, 01000 Mexico D.F., Mexico. Research partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM and CONACYT. \endthanks N. Makarov$^2$ \thanks $^2$ This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-9207071. The Government has certain rights in this material. \endthanks and B. Simon$^3$ \thanks $^3$ This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-9101715. The Government has certain rights in this material. \endthanks \leftheadtext{R. del Rio, N. Makarov and B. Simon} \endauthor \thanks To appear in {\it Commun.~Math.~Phys.} \endthanks \affil Division of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics\\California Institute of Technology, 253-37\\Pasadena, CA 91125 \endaffil \abstract For an operator, $A$, with cyclic vector $\varphi$, we study $A+\lambda P$ where $P$ is the rank one projection onto multiples of $\varphi$. If $[\alpha,\beta] \subset \text{spec} (A)$ and $A$ has no a.c. spectrum, we prove that $A+\lambda P$ has purely singular continuous spectrum on $(\alpha,\beta)$ for a dense $G_\delta$ of $\lambda$\!'s. \endabstract \endtopmatter \document \flushpar{\bf \S 1. Introduction} \smallpagebreak The subject of rank one perturbations of self-adjoint operators and the closely related issue of the boundary condition dependence of Sturm-Liouville operators on $[0,\infty)$ has a long history. We're interested here in the connection with Borel-Stieltjes transforms of measures $(\text{Im}\ z>0)$: $$F(z)=\int \frac {d \rho (x)}{x-z}\tag1.1$$ where $\rho$ is a measure with $$\int (|x|+1)^{-1} d \rho(x)<\infty .\tag1.2$$ In two fundamental papers Aronszajn [1] and Donoghue [5] related $F$ to spectral theory with important later input by Simon-Wolff [13]. In all three works, as in ours, the function ($y$ real) $$G(y)=\int \frac {d \rho (x)}{(x-y)^2}$$ plays an important role. Note we define $G$ to be $+\infty$ if the integral diverges. Note too if $G(y)<\infty$, then the integral defining $F$ is finite at $z=y$ and so we can and will talk about $F(y)$. Donoghue studied the situation $$A_{\lambda}=A_{0}+\lambda P$$ where $P \psi =(\varphi, \psi)\varphi$ with $\varphi$ a unit vector cyclic for $A$. $d \rho$ is then taken to be spectral measure for $\varphi$, that is, $$(\varphi, e^{isA_{0}}\varphi)=\int e^{isx}d \rho(x).$$ Aronszajn studied the situation $$H_{\text{formal}}=-\frac {d^2}{dx^2} +V(x)$$ on $[0,\infty)$ where $V$ is such that the operator is limit point at $\infty$. Then, there is a one-parameter family of operators, $H_\theta$, with boundary condition $$u(0) \cos\theta +u'(0) \sin\theta =0.$$ $\rho$ is the conventional Weyl-Titchmarsh-Kodaira spectral measure for a fixed boundary condition, $\theta_0$. An important result of the Aronszajn-Donoghue theory is \proclaim{Theorem 1} $E$ is an eigenvalue of $A_\lambda$ \rom(resp. $H_\theta$\rom) if and only if \roster \item"\rom{(i)}" $G(E)<\infty$ \item"\rom{(ii)}" $F(E)=-\lambda^{-1}$\qquad \rom(resp. $\cot(\theta - \theta_0)$\rom). \endroster \endproclaim Our goal here is to the prove the following pair of theorems: \proclaim{Theorem 2} $\{E|G(E)=\infty\}$ is a dense $G_\delta$ in \rom{spec}$(A_0)$ \rom(resp. $H_{\theta_0}$\rom). \endproclaim \proclaim{Theorem 3} $\{\lambda |A_\lambda$ has no eigenvalues in \rom{spec}$(A_0)\}$ \rom(resp. $\{\theta|H_\theta$ has no eigenvalues in \rom{spec}$(H_{\theta_0}\}$ is a dense $G_\delta$ in $\Bbb R$ \rom(resp. $[0,2\pi]$\rom {))}. \endproclaim \bigpagebreak While not stated precisely in those terms, Thm.~2 is a generalization of del Rio [4]. Gordon [8,9] has independently obtained these results by different methods. Thm.~2 is quite easy and appears in \S2. Thm.~3 is deeper and depends on some subtle estimates of $F$ found in \S3 and applied in \S4 to prove Thm.~3. The interesting applications of Thm.~3 found in \S5 concern singular continuous spectrum. For example, suppose $A_0$ has spectrum $[0,1]$ but has no a.c.~spectrum. By general principles, $A_\lambda$ has no a.c.~spectrum either. Then, Thm.~3 says that for a dense $G_\delta$ of $\lambda$, $A_\lambda$ has purely singular continuous spectrum. This is especially interesting because there are examples where the Simon-Wolff theory implies that for Lebesgue a.e.~$\lambda$, $A_\lambda$ has only point spectrum. However, this is not always the case. There exist $A_0$ and $P$ so that spec$(A_{0}+\lambda P)$ is purely singular continuous on $(0, 1)$ for {\it all} $\lambda$. However, Thm.~3 implies that it {\it cannot} happen that the spectrum is {\it always} pure point. \bigpagebreak \flushpar {\bf \S 2. Forbidden Energies} \smallpagebreak In this section we'll essentially prove Thm.~2. \proclaim{Theorem 2.1} Let $d \rho$ be a measure obeying \rom{(1.2)}. Let $$G(y)=\int \frac{d \rho (x)}{(x-y)^2}.$$ Then, $\{ y|G(y)=\infty \}$ is a dense $G_\delta$ in \rom{supp}\rom($d\rho$\rom), the support of $d\rho$. \endproclaim \remark{Remarks \rom{1}} By the Thm.~1, only $E$'s with $G(E)<\infty$ can be eigenvalues of $A_\lambda$ or $H_\theta$, so $E$'s with $G(y)=\infty$ are ``forbidden energies,'' that is, energies which cannot be eigenvalues. 2. If supp$(d \rho)$ ($=\text{spec}(A)$) is perfect (no isolated points), then the theorem says the forbidden energies are locally uncountable in supp$(d \rho)$. 3. Obviously, $\{y|G(y)=\infty\}\subset\text{supp}(d \rho)$. 4. This says that $\{y\in\text{supp}(d \rho)|G(y)<\infty\}$ has interior empty in supp$(d \rho)$. Even more so is the interior empty in $\Bbb R$. The theorem is a stronger result than interior empty in $\Bbb R$ since supp$(d \rho)$ might itself have interior empty in $\Bbb R$. \endremark \demo{Proof} The following are fundamental facts about Borel-Stieltjes transforms and their relation to $d \rho$ (see [3]): \roster \item $\lim\limits_{\epsilon\downarrow 0}F(E+i\epsilon)\equiv F(E+i0)$ exists and is finite for Lebesgue a.e.~$E$. \item $d \rho_{\text{ac}}$ is supported on $\{E|\text{Im}\ F(E+i0)>0\}$. \item $d \rho_{\text{sing}}$ is supported on $\{E|\lim\limits_{\epsilon\downarrow 0}\ \text{Im}\ F(E+i0)=\infty\}$. \endroster \flushpar If $G(y)<\infty$, it is easy to see that $\lim\limits_{\epsilon\downarrow 0}\ F(E+i0)$ exists is finite and real. Thus, if $G(y)<\infty$ on an interval $(\alpha, \beta)\subset\Bbb R$, then by (2), (3), $d \rho(\alpha, \beta)=0$, that is, $(\alpha, \beta)\cap \text{supp}(d \rho)=\emptyset$. Thus, $\{ y|G(y)=\infty\}$ is dense in supp$(d \rho)$. That $\{y|G(y)=\infty\}$ is a $G_\delta$ follows from the fact that $G$ is lower semicontinuous. To be explicit, let $$G_{m}(y)=\int \frac {d \rho(x)}{(x-y)^{2}+(m^{-1})^2}$$ which is a $C^\infty$ function by (1.2) and $G(y)=\sup\limits_m G_{m}(y)$. Thus $$ \align \{y|G(y)=\infty\}&=\{y|\forall n, \exists mG_{m}(y)>n\}\\ &=\bigcap_{n} \bigcup_{m} \{y|G_{m}(y)>n\} \endalign $$ is a $G_\delta$. \qed \enddemo \bigpagebreak \flushpar {\bf \S 3. The Main Technical Lemma} \smallpagebreak In this section we'll prove \proclaim{Lemma 3.1} Let $d \rho$ obey \rom{(1.2)}. Then $$\{F(y)|G(y)<\infty \ \text{\rm and}\ y\in\text{\rm supp}(d \rho)\}$$ is a countable union of nowhere dense subsets of \thinspace $\Bbb R$. \endproclaim Note that $G(y)<\infty$ implies the integral defining $F(y)$ is absolutely convergent and $F(y)$ is real. The proof will depend critically on the fact that $F$ is the boundary value of an analytic function. That such considerations must enter is seen by \example{Example} Let $A\subset[0, 1]$ be a nowhere dense set of positive measure (e.g., remove the middle open $\frac {1}{4}$ from $[0, 1]$, the middle $\frac {1}{9}$ from the remaining two pieces, the middle $\frac {1}{16}$ \dots , $\frac {1}{n^2}$ at the $(n-1)$st step). Let $$\tilde F(y)=\left|A\cap[0, y]\right|$$ where $|\ \cdot \ |$ is Lebesgue measure. Then $\tilde F$ is Lipschitz; indeed, if $x0$. Then $F[B]$ is nowhere dense. \endproclaim \demo{Proof} By (3.1) $F$ has a unique continuum extension to $\bar B$ obeying (3.1). $\Bbb R\setminus\bar B$ is a union of intervals $(x_{i}, y_{i})$ with $x_{i}, y_{i}\in\bar B$. Extend $F$ to the interval by linear interpolation using slope $\frac {1}{2}(\alpha + \beta)$ on any semi-infinite subintervals of $\Bbb R\setminus\bar B$. The extended $F$ also obeys (3.1) and so defines a homeomorphism of $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$. As a homeomorphism, it takes nowhere dense sets to nowhere dense sets. \qed \enddemo \demo{Proof of Lemma 3.1} We first break $A=\{y\in\text{supp}(d \rho)|G(y)<\infty\}$ into a countable family of sets $A_n$ so that for each $n$, there is $a_{n}>0$, $\delta_{n}>0$ so that \roster \item"\rom {(i)}" for $y\in A_n$, $\frac {8a_n}{9}x$ implies that $$\frac {1}{3}\ a_{n}(y-x)