\magnification=\magstep1 \input amstex \documentstyle{amsppt} \vsize=22 truecm \hsize=16 truecm \TagsOnRight \NoRunningHeads %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \real{{\Bbb R}} \def \complex{{\Bbb C}} \def \integer{{\Bbb Z}} \def \varr{{\text{var}\,}} % \def\AA{{\Cal A}} \def\BB{{\Cal B}} \def\CC{{\Cal C}} \def\DD{{\Cal D}} \def\EE{{\Cal E}} \def\FF{{\Cal F}} \def\HH{{\Cal H}} \def\II{{\Cal I}} \def\JJ{{\Cal J}} \def\KK{{\Cal K}} \def\LL{{\Cal L}} \def\MM{{\Cal M}} \def\NN{{\Cal N}} \def\OO{{\Cal O}} \def\PP{{\Cal P}} \def\QQ{{\Cal Q}} \def\RR{{\Cal R}} \def\SS{{\Cal S}} \def\TT{{\Cal T}} \def\UU{{\Cal U}} \def\VV{{\Cal V}} \def\XX{{\Cal X}} \def\ZZ{{\Cal Z}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \topmatter \title\nofrills Erratum:\\ On the spectra of\\ randomly perturbed expanding maps \endtitle \author V. Baladi and L.-S. Young \endauthor \address Mathematik, ETH Z\"urich, CH 8092 Z\"urich, Switzerland \hfill\break (on leave from UMPA, ENS Lyon (CNRS, UMR 128), France) \endaddress \email baladi\@math.ethz.ch \endemail \address Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA \endaddress \email lsy\@math.ucla.edu \endemail \date{June 1994} \enddate \endtopmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \document The authors wish to point out an error in Sublemma 6 in Section 5 of [1]. The claims in Theorems 3 and 3' have been revised accordingly; a correct version is given below. Other results in [1] are not affected. The first author is grateful to P. Collet, S. Isola, and B. Schmitt for useful discussions. \subhead i) Revised statement of results in Section 5.C \endsubhead Section 5 of [1] is about piecewise $C^2$ expanding mixing maps $f$ of the interval. The number $\Theta$ below refers to $\Theta = \lim_{n \to \infty} \sup (1/|(f^n)'|^{1/n})$. These maps are randomly perturbed by taking convolution with a kernel $\theta_\epsilon$, and the resulting Markov chain is denoted $\XX^\epsilon$. The precise statements of Theorems 3 and 3' should read as follows: \proclaim{Theorem 3} Let $f: I\to I$ be as described in Section 5.A of [1], with a unique absolutely continuous invariant probability measure $\mu_0= \rho_0 \, dm$, and let $\XX^\epsilon$ be a small random perturbation of $f$ of the type described in Section 5.B with invariant probability measure $\rho_\epsilon \, dm$. We assume also that $f$ has no periodic turning points. Then \roster \item The dynamical system $(f,\mu_0)$ is stochastically stable under $\XX^\epsilon$ in $L^1(dm)$, i.e., $|\rho_\epsilon - \rho_0|_1$ tends to $0$ as $\epsilon \to 0$. \endroster Let $\tau_0<1$ and $\tau_\epsilon<1$ be the rates of decay of correlations for $f$ and $\XX^\epsilon$ respectively for test functions in $BV$. Then: \roster \item[2] $\limsup_{\epsilon \to 0} \tau_\epsilon \le \sqrt \tau_0$. \endroster \endproclaim \proclaim{Theorem 3'} Let $f$ and $\XX^\epsilon$ be as in Theorem 3, except that we do not require that $f$ has no periodic turning points. Then \roster \item $|\rho_\epsilon - \rho_0|_1$ tends to $0$ as $\epsilon \to 0$ if $2 < 1/\tau_0 \le 1/\Theta$; \item $\limsup_{\epsilon \to 0} \tau_\epsilon \le \sqrt { 2\tau_0}$. \endroster If $\theta_\epsilon$ is symmetric, the factor ``$2$'' in both \therosteritem{1} and \therosteritem{2} may be replaced by ``$3/2$''. \endproclaim \smallskip Section 5.D is unchanged. \smallskip \subhead ii) Revised version of Section 5.E \endsubhead \smallskip We follow the notation introduced at the beginning of 5.E, except that we consider only the situation where $$ \Sigma_0=\{1\} \quad \text{and} \quad \Sigma_{1,0} = \emptyset \, . $$ That is to say, the reader should read 5.E with $\kappa_0=1$, $\kappa_{11}=\kappa_1=\tau_0$, etc. Sublemma 6, which is problematic in [1], is valid in this more limited setting because $\pi_0 \varphi = \rho_0 \cdot \int \varphi \, dm$. Lemmas 1' and 3', which use Sublemma 6, are also correct under the present assumptions. We take this opportunity to add ``$X^\epsilon_0 \to X_0$'', which had been inadvertently left out in [1], to the conclusion of Lemma 3'. To prove Theorem 3, one applies Lemmas 9, 1' and 3' with $\kappa$ close to (and slightly bigger than) $\sqrt \tau_0$. To prove Theorem 3', take $\kappa$ close to $\sqrt{\tau_0/2}$ (or $\sqrt{\tau_0/(3/2)}$ if $\theta_\epsilon$ is symmetric). \bigskip \Refs \ref \no 1 \by V. Baladi and L.-S. Young \paper On the spectra of randomly perturbed expanding maps \jour Comm. Math. Phys. \vol 156 \pages 355-385 \yr 1993 \endref \endRefs \enddocument