Result of search for papers related to "mp_arc 19-48".
Page 3. Papers 65 - 96 of 128 matching the query. Best matches first:
00-223 David Damanik and G\"unter Stolz
A generalization of Gordon's theorem and applications to quasiperiodic Schr\"odinger operators (24K, LaTeX) May 12, 00
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01-140 Michael Blank, Gerhard Keller, Carlangelo Liverani
Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius spectrum for Anosov maps (263K, LATeX 2e) Apr 10, 01
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02-165 P.Roux, D.Yafaev
On the mathematical theory of the Aharonov-Bohm effect (48K, LATeX) Apr 2, 02
Abstract , Paper (src), View paper (auto. generated ps), Index of related papers

03-472 Serguei Tcheremchantsev
Dynamical analysis of Schr\"odinger operators with growing sparse potentials (80K, LaTeX) Oct 20, 03
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04-30 Tuncay Aktosun and Ricardo Weder
Inverse Spectral-Scattering Problem with Two Sets of Discrete Spectra for the Radial Schroedinger Equation (102K, AMS TEX) Feb 9, 04
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04-180 Joaquim Puig, Carles Simo
Analytic families of reducible linear quasi-periodic differential equations (1402K, Postscript) Jun 7, 04
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04-276 Artur Avila, David Damanik
Generic Singular Spectrum For Ergodic Schr\"odinger Operators (20K, LaTeX) Sep 7, 04
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05-62 Georgi Popov, Peter Topalov
Invariants of isospectral deformations and spectral rigidity (423K, pdf) Feb 10, 05
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05-177 Oliver Matte
Supersymmetric Dirichlet operators, spectral gaps, and correlations (433K, Postscript) May 13, 05
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05-228 Rupert L. Frank, Oleg Safronov
Absolutely continuous spectrum of a class of random non-ergodic Schr\"odinger operators. (154K, Postscript) Jun 26, 05
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05-300 Pavel Exner, Evans M. Harrell, and Michael Loss
Inequalities for means of chords, with application to isoperimetric problems (29K, LaTeX) Aug 31, 05
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06-312 J. Holt, S. Molchanov, O. Safronov
Cwikel and Quasi-Szeg\"o type estimates for random operators (161K, pdf) Nov 1, 06
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08-54 Fritz Gesztesy, Konstantin A. Makarov, and Maxim Zinchenko
Essential Closures and AC Spectra for Reflectionless CMV, Jacobi, and Schr\"odinger Operators Revisited (81K, LaTeX) Mar 21, 08
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08-55 Fritz Gesztesy and Maxim Zinchenko
Local Spectral Properties of Reflectionless Jacobi, CMV, and Schr\"odinger Operators (94K, LaTeX) Mar 21, 08
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08-102 Rafael de la Llave, Nikola P. Petrov
Boundaries of Siegel disks - numerical studies of their dynamics and regularity (1347K, pdf) Jun 3, 08
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10-129 Milivoje Lukic
Orthogonal Polynomials with Recursion Coefficients of Generalized Bounded Variation (696K, PDF) Aug 24, 10
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10-167 Konstantin Khanin, Sasa Kocic
Examples of non-rigidity for circle homeomorphisms with breaks (513K, PDF) Oct 11, 10
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14-13 Sasa Kocic
Generic rigidity for circle diffeomorphisms with breaks (574K, Pdf) Mar 17, 14
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16-25 Konstantin Khanin, Sasa Kocic
Robust local H\"older rigidity of circle maps with breaks (589K, pdf) Mar 13, 16
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16-27 Konstantin Khanin, Sasa Kocic
Hausdorff dimension of invariant measure of circle diffeomorphisms with breaks (460K, pdf) Mar 13, 16
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17-14 Konstantin Khanin, Sasa Kocic
On the smoothness of the conjugacy for circle maps with a break (524K, PDF) Feb 1, 17
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20-58 R. Calleja, A. Celletti, R. de la Llave
KAM theory for some dissipative systems (8017K, PDF/A) Aug 3, 20
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93-231 Jitomirskaya S.
Anderson Localization for the Almost Mathieu Equation, II: Point Spectrum for $\lambda >2.$ (21K, LaTeX) Sep 9, 93
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95-193 Knill O.
Singular Continuous Spectrum in Ergodic Theory (30K, LaTeX) Apr 11, 95
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95-265 Stefano Isola
Dynamical zeta functions and correlation functions for non-uniformly hyperbolic transformations. (63K, Plain-Tex) Jun 12, 95
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95-268 Gesztesy F., Simon B.
Uniqueness Theorems in Inverse Spectral Theory for One-Dimensional Schr\"odinger Operators (76K, AMSTeX) Jun 14, 95
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95-276 Simon B., Stolz G.
Operators with Singular Continuous Spectrum, V. Sparse Potentials (19K, AMSTeX) Jun 14, 95
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95-359 Alexander MOROZ
INDUCED FERMION NUMBER, PHASE-SHIFT FLIP, AND THE AXIAL ANOMALY IN THE AHARONOV-BOHM POTENTIAL (165K, compressed postscript file, 29 pp., 4 figures included) Jul 11, 95
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